<b>IC Packages an Sockets</b><p> <author>Created by librarian@cadsoft.de</author> <b>Dual In Line Package</b> >NAME >VALUE Dual In Line Package >NAME >VALUE <b>Dual In Line</b> >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE <b>Pin header 1x10 0.1" spacing</b> <p> With round pins <b>Frames for Sheet and Layout</b> >DRAWING_NAME >LAST_DATE_TIME >SHEET Sheet: <b>FRAME</b><p> DIN A3, landscape with location and doc. field Generated from <b>1541-parallel.sch</b><p> by exp-lbrs.ulp <b>Dual In Line Package</b> >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE <b>Dual In Line</b> 1.0 1541 Parallel Adapter Copyright (c) 2018 http://retro-commodore.eu By Tomse Since Version 6.2.2 text objects can contain more than one line, which will not be processed correctly with this version. Since Version 8.2, EAGLE supports online libraries. The ids of those online libraries will not be understood (or retained) with this version. Since Version 8.3, EAGLE supports URNs for individual library assets (packages, symbols, and devices). The URNs of those assets will not be understood (or retained) with this version. Since Version 8.3, EAGLE supports the association of 3D packages with devices in libraries, schematics, and board files. Those 3D packages will not be understood (or retained) with this version.