Microsoft.Deployment.Resources A subclass of Resource which provides specific methods for manipulating the resource data. The resource is of type (RT_GROUPICON). Creates a new BitmapResource object without any data. The data can be later loaded from a file. Name of the resource. For a numeric resource identifier, prefix the decimal number with a "#". Locale of the resource Creates a new BitmapResource object with data. The data can be later saved to a file. Name of the resource. For a numeric resource identifier, prefix the decimal number with a "#". Locale of the resource Raw resource data Reads the bitmap from a .bmp file. Path to a bitmap file (.bmp). A subclass of Resource which provides specific methods for manipulating the resource data. The resource is of type (RT_GROUPICON). Creates a new GroupIconResource object without any data. The data can be later loaded from a file. Name of the resource. For a numeric resource identifier, prefix the decimal number with a "#". Locale of the resource Creates a new GroupIconResource object with data. The data can be later saved to a file. Name of the resource. For a numeric resource identifier, prefix the decimal number with a "#". Locale of the resource Raw resource data Gets or sets the raw data of the resource. The data is in the format of the RT_GROUPICON resource structure. Enumerates the the icons in the icon group. Reads the icon group from a .ico file. Path to an icon file (.ico). Represents a Win32 resource which can be loaded from and saved to a PE file. Creates a new Resource object without any data. The data can be later loaded from a file. Type of the resource; may be one of the ResourceType constants or a user-defined type. Name of the resource. For a numeric resource identifier, prefix the decimal number with a "#". Locale of the resource Creates a new Resource object with data. The data can be later saved to a file. Type of the resource; may be one of the ResourceType constants or a user-defined type. Name of the resource. For a numeric resource identifier, prefix the decimal number with a "#". Locale of the resource Raw resource data Gets or sets the type of the resource. This may be one of the ResourceType constants or a user-defined type name. Gets or sets the name of the resource. For a numeric resource identifier, the decimal number is prefixed with a "#". Gets or sets the locale of the resource. Gets or sets the raw data of the resource. Loads the resource data from a file. The file is searched for a resource with matching type, name, and locale. Win32 PE file containing the resource Saves the resource to a file. Any existing resource data with matching type, name, and locale is overwritten. Win32 PE file to contain the resource Tests if type, name, and locale of this Resource object match another Resource object. Resource object to be compared True if the objects represent the same resource; false otherwise. Gets a hash code for this Resource object. Hash code generated from the resource type, name, and locale. Allows reading and editing of resource data in a Win32 PE file. To use this class: Create a new ResourceCollection Locate resources for the collection by calling one of the methods Load data of one or more s from a file by calling the method of the Resource class, or load them all at once (more efficient) with the method of the ResourceCollection. Read and/or edit data of the individual Resource objects using the methods on that class. Save data of one or more s to a file by calling the method of the Resource class, or save them all at once (more efficient) with the method of the ResourceCollection. Creates a new, empty ResourceCollection. Locates all resources in a file, including all resource types and languages. For each located resource, a instance (or subclass) is added to the collection. The file to be searched for resources. resources could not be read from the file Locates all resources in a file of a given type, including all languages. For each located resource, a instance (or subclass) is added to the collection. The file to be searched for resources. The type of resource to search for; may be one of the ResourceType constants or a user-defined type. resources could not be read from the file Locates all resources in a file of a given type and language. For each located resource, a instance (or subclass) is added to the collection. The file to be searched for resources. The type of resource to search for; may be one of the ResourceType constants or a user-defined type. The name of the resource to search for. resources could not be read from the file For all resources in the collection, loads their data from a resource file. The file from which resources are loaded. For all resources in the collection, saves their data to a resource file. The file to which resources are saved. Gets or sets the element at the specified index. Adds a new item to the collection. The Resource to add. Removes an item to the collection. The Resource to remove. Gets the index of an item in the collection. The Resource to search for. The index of the item, or -1 if not found. Inserts a item into the collection. The insertion index. The Resource to insert. Tests if the collection contains an item. The Resource to search for. true if the item is found; false otherwise Copies the collection into an array. The array to copy into. The starting index in the destination array. Removes all resources from the collection. Gets the number of resources in the collection. Gets an enumerator over all resources in the collection. Represents either a standard integer resource type or a custom resource type name. Creates a new resource type from a string resource name. String resource name, or an integer resource type prefixed by a #. Creates a new integer resource type. Integer value of a well-known resource type. Gets a flag indicating whether the resource type is an integer type. Gets the integer value of the resource type, or -1 if the resource type is not an integer. Gets a string representation of the resource type. The custom resource name, or the name of a well-known resource type. Tests whether one resource type equals another object. Other object. True if equal, else false. Tests whether one resource type equals another. Other resource type. True if equal, else false. Gets a hash code suitable for using the resource type as a dictionary key. Hash code based on the resource type string. Implicitly converts a string to a ResourceType. String resource type to convert. ResourceType object. Explicitly converts a ResourceType to a string. ResourceType object to convert. The resource type string. Unlike , this conversion does not return the common name of well-known integer resource types. Therefore, the returned string is suitable for passing directly to Win32 resource APIs that accept resource type strings. Identifies build types of a versioned file. Identifies the type of a versioned file. Identifies the sub-type of a versioned file. A subclass of Resource which provides specific methods for manipulating the resource data. The resource is of type (RT_VERSION). Creates a new VersionResource object without any data. The data can be later loaded from a file. Name of the resource. For a numeric resource identifier, prefix the decimal number with a "#". Locale of the resource Creates a new VersionResource object with data. The data can be later saved to a file. Name of the resource. For a numeric resource identifier, prefix the decimal number with a "#". Locale of the resource Raw resource data Gets or sets the raw data of the resource. The data is in the format of the VS_VERSIONINFO structure. Gets or sets the binary locale-independent file version of the version resource. Gets or sets the binary locale-independent product version of the version resource. Gets or sets a bitmask that specifies the build types of the file. Gets or sets the general type of the file. Gets or sets the specific type of the file. Gets or sets the binary creation date and time. Gets the string table for a specific locale, or null if there is no table for that locale. Adds a new version string table for a locale. Locale of the table The new string table, or the existing table if the locale already existed. Removes a version string table for a locale. Locale of the table Checks if a version string table exists for a given locale. Locale to search for True if a string table was found for the locale; false otherwise. Gets the number string tables in the version resource. Removes all string tables from the version resource. Copies the version string tables to an array, starting at a particular array index. The one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from the collection. The Array must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in array at which copying begins. Gets an enumerator that can iterate over the version string tables in the collection. An enumerator that returns objects. Gets an enumerator that can iterate over the version string tables in the collection. An enumerator that returns objects. Represents a string table of a file version resource. Gets the locale (LCID) of the string table. Gets or sets a string value. Name of the string. Removes all strings from the string table. Gets a collection of all the names of the strings in the table. Gets a collection of all the values in the table. Gets the number of strings in the table. Gets an enumeration over all strings in the table. Enumeration of string name and value pairs Distribution specific strings. News URL for the distribution. Short product name for the distribution. Support URL for the distribution. Telemetry URL format for the distribution. VS Extensions Landing page Url for the distribution.