Microsoft.Deployment.WindowsInstaller Collection of column information related to a or . Creates a new ColumnCollection based on a specified list of columns. columns to be added to the new collection Creates a new ColumnCollection that is associated with a database table. view that contains the columns Gets the number of columns in the collection. number of columns in the collection Gets a boolean value indicating whether the collection is read-only. A ColumnCollection is read-only if it is associated with a or a read-only . read-only status of the collection Gets information about a specific column in the collection. 1-based index into the column collection is less than 1 or greater than the number of columns in the collection Gets information about a specific column in the collection. case-sensitive name of a column collection does not exist in the collection Not supported because the collection is read-only. information about the column being added the collection is read-only Not supported because the collection is read-only. the collection is read-only Checks if a column with a given name exists in the collection. case-sensitive name of the column to look for true if the column exists in the collection, false otherwise Checks if a column with a given name exists in the collection. column to look for, with case-sensitive name true if the column exists in the collection, false otherwise Gets the index of a column within the collection. case-sensitive name of the column to look for 0-based index of the column, or -1 if not found Copies the columns from this collection into an array. destination array to be filed offset into the destination array where copying begins Not supported because the collection is read-only. column to remove true if the column was removed, false if it was not found the collection is read-only Gets an enumerator over the columns in the collection. An enumerator of ColumnInfo objects. Gets a string suitable for printing all the values of a record containing these columns. Gets an enumerator over the columns in the collection. An enumerator of ColumnInfo objects. Creates ColumnInfo objects for the associated view. dynamically-generated list of columns Gets a list of column names or column-definition-strings for the associated view. the view to that defines the columns true to return types (column definition strings), false to return names list of column names or types Available values for the Attributes column of the Component table. Local only - Component cannot be run from source.

Set this value for all components belonging to a feature to prevent the feature from being run-from-network or run-from-source. Note that if a feature has no components, the feature always shows run-from-source and run-from-my-computer as valid options.

Component can only be run from source.

Set this bit for all components belonging to a feature to prevent the feature from being run-from-my-computer. Note that if a feature has no components, the feature always shows run-from-source and run-from-my-computer as valid options.

Component can run locally or from source. If this bit is set, the value in the KeyPath column is used as a key into the Registry table.

If the Value field of the corresponding record in the Registry table is null, the Name field in that record must not contain "+", "-", or "*". For more information, see the description of the Name field in Registry table.

Setting this bit is recommended for registry entries written to the HKCU hive. This ensures the installer writes the necessary HKCU registry entries when there are multiple users on the same machine.

If this bit is set, the installer increments the reference count in the shared DLL registry of the component's key file. If this bit is not set, the installer increments the reference count only if the reference count already exists. If this bit is set, the installer does not remove the component during an uninstall. The installer registers an extra system client for the component in the Windows Installer registry settings. If this bit is set, the value in the KeyPath column is a key into the ODBCDataSource table. If this bit is set, the installer reevaluates the value of the statement in the Condition column upon a reinstall. If the value was previously False and has changed to true, the installer installs the component. If the value was previously true and has changed to false, the installer removes the component even if the component has other products as clients. If this bit is set, the installer does not install or reinstall the component if a key path file or a key path registry entry for the component already exists. The application does register itself as a client of the component.

Use this flag only for components that are being registered by the Registry table. Do not use this flag for components registered by the AppId, Class, Extension, ProgId, MIME, and Verb tables.

Set this bit to mark this as a 64-bit component. This attribute facilitates the installation of packages that include both 32-bit and 64-bit components. If this bit is not set, the component is registered as a 32-bit component.

If this is a 64-bit component replacing a 32-bit component, set this bit and assign a new GUID in the ComponentId column.

Set this bit to disable registry reflection on all existing and new registry keys affected by this component.

If this bit is set, the Windows Installer calls the RegDisableReflectionKey on each key being accessed by the component. This bit is available with Windows Installer version 4.0 and is ignored on 32-bit systems.

[MSI 4.5] Set this bit for a component in a patch package to prevent leaving orphan components on the computer.

If a subsequent patch is installed, marked with the SupersedeEarlier flag in its MsiPatchSequence table to supersede the first patch, Windows Installer 4.5 can unregister and uninstall components marked with the UninstallOnSupersedence value. If the component is not marked with this bit, installation of a superseding patch can leave behind an unused component on the computer.

[MSI 4.5] If a component is marked with this attribute value in at least one package installed on the system, the installer treats the component as marked in all packages. If a package that shares the marked component is uninstalled, Windows Installer 4.5 can continue to share the highest version of the component on the system, even if that highest version was installed by the package that is being uninstalled. Defines flags for the Attributes column of the Control table. If this bit is set, the control is visible on the dialog box. specifies if the given control is enabled or disabled. Most controls appear gray when disabled. If this bit is set, the control is displayed with a sunken, three dimensional look. The Indirect control attribute specifies whether the value displayed or changed by this control is referenced indirectly. If this bit is set on a control, the associated property specified in the Property column of the Control table is an integer. If this bit is set the text in the control is displayed in a right-to-left reading order. If this style bit is set, text in the control is aligned to the right. If this bit is set, the scroll bar is located on the left side of the control, otherwise it is on the right. This is a combination of the RightToLeftReadingOrder, RightAligned, and LeftScroll attributes. If this bit is set on a text control, the control is displayed transparently with the background showing through the control where there are no characters. If this bit is set on a text control, the occurrence of the character "&" in a text string is displayed as itself. If this bit is set the text in the control is displayed on a single line. If this bit is set for a text control, the control will automatically attempt to format the displayed text as a number representing a count of bytes. If this bit is set, fonts are created using the user's default UI code page. Otherwise it is created using the database code page. If this bit is set on an Edit control, the installer creates a multiple line edit control with a vertical scroll bar. This attribute creates an edit control for entering passwords. The control displays each character as an asterisk (*) as they are typed into the control. If this bit is set on a ProgressBar control, the bar is drawn as a series of small rectangles in Microsoft Windows 95-style. Otherwise it is drawn as a single continuous rectangle. If this bit is set, the control shows removable volumes. If this bit is set, the control shows fixed internal hard drives. If this bit is set, the control shows remote volumes. If this bit is set, the control shows CD-ROM volumes. If this bit is set, the control shows RAM disk volumes. If this bit is set, the control shows floppy volumes. Specifies whether or not the rollback backup files are included in the costs displayed by the VolumeCostList control. If this bit is set, the items listed in the control are displayed in a specified order. Otherwise, items are displayed in alphabetical order. If this bit is set on a combo box, the edit field is replaced by a static text field. This prevents a user from entering a new value and requires the user to choose only one of the predefined values. If this bit is set on a check box or a radio button group, the button is drawn with the appearance of a push button, but its logic stays the same. If this bit is set, the text in the control is replaced by a bitmap image. The Text column in the Control table is a foreign key into the Binary table. If this bit is set, text is replaced by an icon image and the Text column in the Control table is a foreign key into the Binary table. If this bit is set, the picture is cropped or centered in the control without changing its shape or size. Specifies which size of the icon image to load. If none of the bits are set, the first image is loaded. Specifies which size of the icon image to load. If none of the bits are set, the first image is loaded. Specifies which size of the icon image to load. If none of the bits are set, the first image is loaded. If this bit is set, and the installation is not yet running with elevated privileges, the control is created with a UAC icon. If this bit is set, the RadioButtonGroup has text and a border displayed around it. Defines flags for the Type column of the CustomAction table. Unspecified custom action type. Target = entry point name Target = command line args Target = text string to be formatted and set into property Target = entry point name, null if none to call Target = entry point name, null if none to call Target = property list for nested engine initialization Source = File.File, file part of installation Source = Directory.Directory, folder containing existing file Source = Property.Property, full path to executable Ignore action return status, continue running Run asynchronously Skip if UI sequence already run Skip if UI sequence already run in same process Run on client only if UI already run on client Queue for execution within script In conjunction with InScript: queue in Rollback script In conjunction with InScript: run Commit ops from script on success No impersonation, run in system context Impersonate for per-machine installs on TS machines Script requires 64bit process Don't record the contents of the Target field in the log file The custom action runs only when a patch is being uninstalled Defines flags for the Attributes column of the Dialog table. If this bit is set, the dialog is originally created as visible, otherwise it is hidden. If this bit is set, the dialog box is modal, other dialogs of the same application cannot be put on top of it, and the dialog keeps the control while it is running. If this bit is set, the dialog box can be minimized. This bit is ignored for modal dialog boxes, which cannot be minimized. If this style bit is set, the dialog box will stop all other applications and no other applications can take the focus. If this bit is set, the other dialogs stay alive when this dialog box is created. If this bit is set, the dialog box periodically calls the installer. If the property changes, it notifies the controls on the dialog. If this bit is set, the pictures on the dialog box are created with the custom palette (one per dialog received from the first control created). If this style bit is set the text in the dialog box is displayed in right-to-left-reading order. If this style bit is set, the text is aligned on the right side of the dialog box. If this style bit is set, the scroll bar is located on the left side of the dialog box. This is a combination of the RightToLeftReadingOrder, RightAligned, and the LeftScroll dialog style bits. If this bit is set, the dialog box is an error dialog. Available values for the Attributes column of the Feature table. Favor local - Components of this feature that are not marked for installation from source are installed locally.

A component shared by two or more features, some of which are set to FavorLocal and some to FavorSource, is installed locally. Components marked in the Component table are always run from the source CD/server. The bits FavorLocal and FavorSource work with features not listed by the ADVERTISE property.

Components of this feature not marked for local installation are installed to run from the source CD-ROM or server.

A component shared by two or more features, some of which are set to FavorLocal and some to FavorSource, is installed to run locally. Components marked (local-only) in the Component table are always installed locally. The bits FavorLocal and FavorSource work with features not listed by the ADVERTISE property.

Set this attribute and the state of the feature is the same as the state of the feature's parent. You cannot use this option if the feature is located at the root of a feature tree.

Omit this attribute and the feature state is determined according to DisallowAdvertise and FavorLocal and FavorSource.

To guarantee that the child feature's state always follows the state of its parent, even when the child and parent are initially set to absent in the SelectionTree control, you must include both FollowParent and UIDisallowAbsent in the attributes of the child feature.

Note that if you set FollowParent without setting UIDisallowAbsent, the installer cannot force the child feature out of the absent state. In this case, the child feature matches the parent's installation state only if the child is set to something other than absent.

Set FollowParent and UIDisallowAbsent to ensure a child feature follows the state of the parent feature.

Set this attribute and the feature state is Advertise.

If the feature is listed by the ADDDEFAULT property this bit is ignored and the feature state is determined according to FavorLocal and FavorSource.

Omit this attribute and the feature state is determined according to DisallowAdvertise and FavorLocal and FavorSource.

Set this attribute to prevent the feature from being advertised.

Note that this bit works only with features that are listed by the ADVERTISE property.

Set this attribute and if the listed feature is not a parent or child, the feature is installed according to FavorLocal and FavorSource.

Set this attribute for the parent of a listed feature and the parent is installed.

Set this attribute for the child of a listed feature and the state of the child is Absent.

Omit this attribute and if the listed feature is not a parent or child, the feature state is Advertise.

Omit this attribute and if the listed feature is a parent or child, the state of both features is Advertise.

Set this attribute and the user interface does not display an option to change the feature state to Absent. Setting this attribute forces the feature to the installation state, whether or not the feature is visible in the UI.

Omit this attribute and the user interface displays an option to change the feature state to Absent.

Set FollowParent and UIDisallowAbsent to ensure a child feature follows the state of the parent feature.

Setting this attribute not only affects the UI, but also forces the feature to the install state whether the feature is visible in the UI or not.

Set this attribute and advertising is disabled for the feature if the operating system shell does not support Windows Installer descriptors. Available values for the Attributes column of the File table. No attributes. Read-only. Hidden. System. The file is vital for the proper operation of the component to which it belongs. The file contains a valid checksum. A checksum is required to repair a file that has become corrupted. This bit must only be added by a patch and if the file is being added by the patch. The file's source type is uncompressed. If set, ignore the WordCount summary information property. If neither Noncompressed nor Compressed are set, the compression state of the file is specified by the WordCount summary information property. Do not set both Noncompressed and Compressed. The file's source type is compressed. If set, ignore the WordCount summary information property. If neither Noncompressed or Compressed are set, the compression state of the file is specified by the WordCount summary information property. Do not set both Noncompressed and Compressed. Defines values for the Action column of the IniFile and RemoveIniFile tables. Creates or updates a .ini entry. Creates a .ini entry only if the entry does not already exist. Deletes .ini entry. Creates a new entry or appends a new comma-separated value to an existing entry. Deletes a tag from a .ini entry. Defines values for the Type column of the CompLocator, IniLocator, and RegLocator tables. Key path is a directory. Key path is a file name. Key path is a registry value. Set this bit to have the installer search the 64-bit portion of the registry. Defines values for the Root column of the Registry, RemoveRegistry, and RegLocator tables. HKEY_CURRENT_USER for a per-user installation, or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE for a per-machine installation. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HKEY_USERS Defines values for the InstallMode column of the RemoveFile table. Never remove. Remove when the associated component is being installed (install state = local or source). Remove when the associated component is being removed (install state = absent). Defines values for the ServiceType, StartType, and ErrorControl columns of the ServiceInstall table. No flags. A Win32 service that runs its own process. A Win32 service that shares a process. A Win32 service that interacts with the desktop. This value cannot be used alone and must be added to either or . Service starts during startup of the system. Service starts when the service control manager calls the StartService function. Specifies a service that can no longer be started. Logs the error, displays a message box and continues the startup operation. Logs the error if it is possible and the system is restarted with the last configuration known to be good. If the last-known-good configuration is being started, the startup operation fails. When combined with other error flags, specifies that the overall install should fail if the service cannot be installed into the system. Defines values for the Event column of the ServiceControl table. No control events. During an install, starts the service during the StartServices action. During an install, stops the service during the StopServices action. During an install, deletes the service during the DeleteServices action. During an uninstall, starts the service during the StartServices action. During an uninstall, stops the service during the StopServices action. During an uninstall, deletes the service during the DeleteServices action. Defines values for the StyleBits column of the TextStyle table. Bold Italic Underline Strike out Defines values for the Attributes column of the Upgrade table. Migrates feature states by enabling the logic in the MigrateFeatureStates action. Detects products and applications but does not remove. Continues installation upon failure to remove a product or application. Detects the range of versions including the value in VersionMin. Dectects the range of versions including the value in VersionMax. Detects all languages, excluding the languages listed in the Language column. Defines a single column of a table in an installer database. Once created, a ColumnInfo object is immutable. Creates a new ColumnInfo object from a column definition. name of the column column definition string Creates a new ColumnInfo object from a list of parameters. name of the column type of the column; must be one of the following: Int16, Int32, String, or Stream the maximum number of characters for String columns; ignored for other column types true if the column is required to have a non-null value Creates a new ColumnInfo object from a list of parameters. name of the column type of the column; must be one of the following: Int16, Int32, String, or Stream the maximum number of characters for String columns; ignored for other column types true if the column is required to have a non-null value true to if the column is only in-memory and not persisted with the database for String columns, indicates the column is localizable; ignored for other column types Gets the name of the column. name of the column Gets the type of the column as a System.Type. This is one of the following: Int16, Int32, String, or Stream type of the column Gets the type of the column as an integer that can be cast to a System.Data.DbType. This is one of the following: Int16, Int32, String, or Binary equivalent DbType of the column as an integer Gets the size of the column. The size of integer columns this is either 2 or 4. For string columns this is the maximum recommended length of the string, or 0 for unlimited length. For stream columns, 0 is returned. Gets a value indicating whether the column must be non-null when inserting a record. required status of the column Gets a value indicating whether the column is temporary. Temporary columns are not persisted when the database is saved to disk. temporary status of the column Gets a value indicating whether the column is a string column that is localizable. localizable status of the column Gets an SQL fragment that can be used to create this column within a CREATE TABLE statement. SQL fragment to be used for creating the column


Gets a short string defining the type and size of the column. The definition string consists of a single letter representing the data type followed by the width of the column (in characters when applicable, bytes otherwise). A width of zero designates an unbounded width (for example, long text fields and streams). An uppercase letter indicates that null values are allowed in the column.

s? - String, variable length (?=1-255) s0 - String, variable length i2 - Short integer i4 - Long integer v0 - Binary Stream g? - Temporary string (?=0-255) j? - Temporary integer (?=0,1,2,4) O0 - Temporary object (stream) l? - Localizable string, variable length (?=1-255) l0 - Localizable string, variable length

Gets the name of the column. Name of the column. Accessor for information about components within the context of an installation session. Gets information about a component within the context of an installation session. name of the component component object Checks if the collection contains a component. name of the component true if the component is in the collection, else false Copies the features into an array. array that receives the features offset into the array Gets the number of components defined for the product. Enumerates the components in the collection. an enumerator over all features in the collection Provides access to information about a component within the context of an installation session. Gets the name of the component (primary key in the Component table). Gets the current install state of the designated Component. the Session handle is invalid an unknown Component was requested

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetComponentState

Gets or sets the action state of the designated Component. the Session handle is invalid an unknown Component was requested the user exited the installation

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiGetComponentState, MsiSetComponentState

Gets disk space per drive required to install a component. Requested component state A list of InstallCost structures, specifying the cost for each drive for the component

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumComponentCosts

Represents an instance of a registered component. Gets the set of installed components for all products. The installer configuration data is corrupt

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumComponents

Gets the set of installed components for products in the indicated context. The installer configuration data is corrupt

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumComponentsEx

Creates a new ComponentInstallation, automatically detecting the product that the component is a part of. component GUID

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetProductCode

Creates a new ComponentInstallation, automatically detecting the product that the component is a part of. component GUID context user SID user contexts Creates a new ComponentInstallation for a component installed by a specific product. component GUID ProductCode GUID Creates a new ComponentInstallation for a component installed by a specific product. component GUID ProductCode GUID context user SID user contexts Gets the component code (GUID) of the component. Gets all client products of a specified component. enumeration over all client products of the component The installer configuration data is corrupt

Because clients are not ordered, any new component has an arbitrary index. This means that the property may return clients in any order.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumClients, MsiEnumClientsEx

Gets the installed state of a component. the installed state of the component, or InstallState.Unknown if this component is not part of a product

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetComponentPath, MsiGetComponentPathEx

Gets the full path to an installed component. If the key path for the component is a registry key then the registry key is returned. The file or registry keypath to the component, or null if the component is not available. An unknown product or component was specified The installer configuration data is corrupt

If the component is a registry key, the registry roots are represented numerically. For example, a registry path of "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft" would be returned as "01:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft". The registry roots returned are defined as follows: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT=00, HKEY_CURRENT_USER=01, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE=02, HKEY_USERS=03, HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA=04

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiGetComponentPath, MsiGetComponentPathEx, MsiLocateComponent

Gets the set of registered qualifiers for the component. Enumeration of the qulifiers for the component. The installer configuration data is corrupt

Because qualifiers are not ordered, any new qualifier has an arbitrary index, meaning the function can return qualifiers in any order.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumComponentQualifiers

Holds data about a component qualifier.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumComponentQualifiers

Gets the qualifier code. Gets the qualifier data. Marks a method as a custom action entry point.

A custom action method must be defined as public and static, take a single object as a parameter, and return an enumeration value.

Name of the custom action entrypoint, or null if the same as the method name. Marks a method as a custom action entry point. Marks a method as a custom action entry point. Name of the function to be exported, defaults to the name of this method Gets or sets the name of the custom action entrypoint. A null value defaults to the name of the method. name of the custom action entrypoint, or null if none was specified Contains a collection of key-value pairs suitable for passing between immediate and deferred/rollback/commit custom actions. Call the method to get a string suitable for storing in a property and reconstructing the custom action data later. "CustomActionData" literal property name. Creates a new empty custom action data object. Reconstructs a custom action data object from data that was previously persisted in a string. Previous output from . Adds a key and value to the data collection. Case-sensitive data key. Data value (may be null). the key does not consist solely of letters, numbers, and the period, underscore, and space characters. Adds a value to the data collection, using XML serialization to persist the object as a string. Case-sensitive data key. Data value (may be null). the key does not consist solely of letters, numbers, and the period, underscore, and space characters. The value type does not support XML serialization. The value could not be serialized. Gets a value from the data collection, using XML serialization to load the object from a string. Case-sensitive data key. The value could not be deserialized. Determines whether the data contains an item with the specified key. Case-sensitive data key. true if the data contains an item with the key; otherwise, false Gets a collection object containing all the keys of the data. Removes the item with the specified key from the data. Case-sensitive data key. true if the item was successfully removed from the data; false if an item with the specified key was not found Gets the value with the specified key. Case-sensitive data key. Value associated with the specified key, or null if an item with the specified key was not found true if the data contains an item with the specified key; otherwise, false. Gets a collection containing all the values of the data. Gets or sets a data value with a specified key. Case-sensitive data key. the key does not consist solely of letters, numbers, and the period, underscore, and space characters. Adds an item with key and value to the data collection. Case-sensitive data key, with a data value that may be null. the key does not consist solely of letters, numbers, and the period, underscore, and space characters. Removes all items from the data. Determines whether the data contains a specified item. The data item to locate. true if the data contains the item; otherwise, false Copies the data to an array, starting at a particular array index. Destination array. Index in the array at which copying begins. Gets the number of items in the data. Gets a value indicating whether the data is read-only. Removes an item from the data. The item to remove. true if the item was successfully removed from the data; false if the item was not found Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. An enumerator that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets a string representation of the data suitable for persisting in a property. Data string in the form "Key1=Value1;Key2=Value2" Ensures that a key contains valid characters. key to be validated the key does not consist solely of letters, numbers, and the period, underscore, and space characters. Serializes a value into an XML string. Type of the value. Value to be serialized. Serialized value data as a string. Deserializes a value from an XML string. Expected type of the value. Serialized value data. Deserialized value object. Escapes a value string by doubling any data-separator (semicolon) characters. Escaped value string Unescapes a value string by undoubling any doubled data-separator (semicolon) characters. Unescaped value string Loads key-value pairs from a string into the data collection. key-value pair list of the form returned by Managed-code portion of the custom action proxy. Invokes a managed custom action method. Integer handle to the installer session. Name of the custom action entrypoint. This must either map to an entrypoint definition in the customActions config section, or be an explicit entrypoint of the form: "AssemblyName!Namespace.Class.Method" Pointer to a delegate used to make remote API calls, if this custom action is running out-of-proc. The value returned by the custom action method, or ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE if the custom action could not be invoked. Checks the "MMsiBreak" environment variable for any matching custom action names. List of names to search for in the environment variable string. True if a match was found, else false. Locates and parses an entrypoint mapping in CustomAction.config. Installer session handle, just used for logging. Custom action entrypoint name: the key value in an item in the customActions section of the config file. Returned display name of the assembly from the entrypoint mapping. Returned class name of the entrypoint mapping. Returned method name of the entrypoint mapping. True if the entrypoint was found, false if not or if some error occurred. Uses reflection to load the assembly and class and find the method. Installer session handle, just used for logging. Display name of the assembly containing the custom action method. Fully-qualified name of the class containing the custom action method. Name of the custom action method. The method, or null if not found. Checks if a method has the right return and paramater types for a custom action, and that it is marked by a CustomActionAttribute. Method to be checked. True if the method is a valid custom action, else false. Accesses a Windows Installer database.

The method must be called before the Database is closed to write out all persistent changes. If the Commit method is not called, the installer performs an implicit rollback upon object destruction.

The client can use the following procedure for data access: Obtain a Database object using one of the Database constructors. Initiate a query using a SQL string by calling the method of the Database. Set query parameters in a and execute the database query by calling the method of the . This produces a result that can be fetched or updated. Call the method of the View repeatedly to return Records. Update database rows of a Record object obtained by the Fetch method using one of the methods of the View. Release the query and any unfetched records by calling the method of the View. Persist any database updates by calling the Commit method of the Database.

Opens an existing database in read-only mode. Path to the database file. the database could not be created/opened

Because this constructor initiates database access, it cannot be used with a running installation.

The Database object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiOpenDatabase

Opens an existing database with another database as output. Path to the database to be read. Open mode for the database Database object representing the created or opened database the database could not be created/opened

When a database is opened as the output of another database, the summary information stream of the output database is actually a read-only mirror of the original database and thus cannot be changed. Additionally, it is not persisted with the database. To create or modify the summary information for the output database it must be closed and re-opened.

The Database object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

The database is opened in mode, and will be automatically commited when it is closed.

Win32 MSI API: MsiOpenDatabase

Opens an existing database or creates a new one. Path to the database file. If an empty string is supplied, a temporary database is created that is not persisted. Open mode for the database the database could not be created/opened

Because this constructor initiates database access, it cannot be used with a running installation.

The database object should be d after use. The finalizer will close the handle if it is still open, however due to the nondeterministic nature of finalization it is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

A database opened in or mode will be automatically commited when it is closed. However a database opened in or mode must have the method called before it is closed, otherwise no changes will be persisted.

Win32 MSI API: MsiOpenDatabase

Creates a new database from an MSI handle. Native MSI database handle. True if the handle should be closed when the database object is disposed Path of the database file, if known Mode the handle was originally opened in Gets the file path the Database was originally opened from, or null if not known. Gets the open mode for the database. Gets a boolean value indicating whether this database was opened in read-only mode.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetDatabaseState

Gets the collection of tables in the Database. Gets or sets the code page of the Database. error exporting/importing the codepage data the Database handle is invalid

Getting or setting the code page is a slow operation because it involves an export or import of the codepage data to/from a temporary file.

Gets the SummaryInfo object for this database that can be used to examine and modify properties to the summary information stream. the Database handle is invalid

The object returned from this property does not need to be explicitly persisted or closed. Any modifications will be automatically saved when the database is committed.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetSummaryInformation

Creates a new Database object from an integer database handle.

This method is only provided for interop purposes. A Database object should normally be obtained from or a public Database constructor.

Integer database handle true to close the handle when this object is disposed
Schedules a file or directory for deletion after the database handle is closed. File or directory path to be deleted. All files and subdirectories under a directory are deleted.

Once an item is scheduled, it cannot be unscheduled.

The items cannot be deleted if the Database object is auto-disposed by the garbage collector; the handle must be explicitly closed.

Files which are read-only or otherwise locked cannot be deleted, but they will not cause an exception to be thrown.

Merges another database with this database. The database to be merged into this database Optional name of table to contain the names of the tables containing merge conflicts, the number of conflicting rows within the table, and a reference to the table with the merge conflict. merge failed due to a schema difference or data conflict the Database handle is invalid

Merge does not copy over embedded cabinet files or embedded transforms from the reference database into the target database. Embedded data streams that are listed in the Binary table or Icon table are copied from the reference database to the target database. Storage embedded in the reference database are not copied to the target database.

The Merge method merges the data of two databases. These databases must have the same codepage. The merge fails if any tables or rows in the databases conflict. A conflict exists if the data in any row in the first database differs from the data in the corresponding row of the second database. Corresponding rows are in the same table of both databases and have the same primary key in both databases. The tables of non-conflicting databases must have the same number of primary keys, same number of columns, same column types, same column names, and the same data in rows with identical primary keys. Temporary columns however don't matter in the column count and corresponding tables can have a different number of temporary columns without creating conflict as long as the persistent columns match.

If the number, type, or name of columns in corresponding tables are different, the schema of the two databases are incompatible and the installer will stop processing tables and the merge fails. The installer checks that the two databases have the same schema before checking for row merge conflicts. If the schemas are incompatible, the databases have be modified.

If the data in particular rows differ, this is a row merge conflict, the merge fails and creates a new table with the specified name. The first column of this table is the name of the table having the conflict. The second column gives the number of rows in the table having the conflict.

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseMerge

Merges another database with this database. The database to be merged into this database merge failed due to a schema difference or data conflict the Database handle is invalid

MsiDatabaseMerge does not copy over embedded cabinet files or embedded transforms from the reference database into the target database. Embedded data streams that are listed in the Binary table or Icon table are copied from the reference database to the target database. Storage embedded in the reference database are not copied to the target database.

The Merge method merges the data of two databases. These databases must have the same codepage. The merge fails if any tables or rows in the databases conflict. A conflict exists if the data in any row in the first database differs from the data in the corresponding row of the second database. Corresponding rows are in the same table of both databases and have the same primary key in both databases. The tables of non-conflicting databases must have the same number of primary keys, same number of columns, same column types, same column names, and the same data in rows with identical primary keys. Temporary columns however don't matter in the column count and corresponding tables can have a different number of temporary columns without creating conflict as long as the persistent columns match.

If the number, type, or name of columns in corresponding tables are different, the schema of the two databases are incompatible and the installer will stop processing tables and the merge fails. The installer checks that the two databases have the same schema before checking for row merge conflicts. If the schemas are incompatible, the databases have be modified.

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseMerge

Checks whether a table exists and is persistent in the database. The table to the checked true if the table exists and is persistent in the database; false otherwise the table is unknown the Database handle is invalid

To check whether a table exists regardless of persistence, use .

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseIsTablePersistent

Checks whether a table contains a persistent column with a given name. The table to the checked The name of the column to be checked true if the column exists in the table; false if the column is temporary or does not exist. the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid

To check whether a column exists regardless of persistence, use .

Gets the count of all rows in the table. Name of the table whose rows are to be counted The count of all rows in the table the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid Gets the count of all rows in the table that satisfy a given condition. Name of the table whose rows are to be counted Conditional expression, such as could be placed on the end of a SQL WHERE clause The count of all rows in the table satisfying the condition the SQL WHERE syntax is invalid the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid Finalizes the persistent form of the database. All persistent data is written to the writeable database, and no temporary columns or rows are written. the Database handle is invalid

For a database open in mode, this method has no effect.

For a database open in or mode, it is not necessary to call this method because the database will be automatically committed when it is closed. However this method may be called at any time to persist the current state of tables loaded into memory.

For a database open in or mode, no changes will be persisted until this method is called. If the database object is closed without calling this method, the database file remains unmodified.

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseCommit

Copies the structure and data from a specified table to a text archive file. Name of the table to be exported Path to the file to be created the file path is invalid the Database handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseExport

Imports a database table from a text archive file, dropping any existing table. Path to the file to be imported. The table name is specified within the file. the file path is invalid the Database handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseImport

Exports all database tables, streams, and summary information to archive files. Path to the directory where archive files will be created the directory path is invalid the Database handle is invalid

The directory will be created if it does not already exist.

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseExport

Imports all database tables, streams, and summary information from archive files. Path to the directory from which archive files will be imported the directory path is invalid the Database handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseImport

Creates a new record object with the requested number of fields. Required number of fields, which may be 0. The maximum number of fields in a record is limited to 65535. A new record object that can be used with the database.

This method is equivalent to directly calling the constructor in all cases outside of a custom action context. When in a custom action session, this method allows creation of a record that can work with a database other than the session database.

The Record object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiCreateRecord

Returns the file path of this database, or the handle value if a file path was not specified. Closes the database handle. After closing a handle, further method calls may throw . If true, the method has been called directly or indirectly by a user's code, so managed and unmanaged resources will be disposed. If false, only unmanaged resources will be disposed. Returns the value of the specified property. Name of the property to retrieve. Gets a View object representing the query specified by a SQL string. SQL query string, which may contain format items Zero or more objects to format A View object representing the query specified by a SQL string the SQL syntax is invalid the Database handle is invalid

The parameter is formatted using .

The View object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseOpenView

Executes the query specified by a SQL string. The query may not be a SELECT statement. SQL query string, which may contain format items Zero or more objects to format the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid

The parameter is formatted using .

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute

Executes the query specified by a SQL string. The query may not be a SELECT statement. SQL query string Optional Record object containing the values that replace the parameter tokens (?) in the SQL query. the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute

Executes the specified SQL SELECT query and returns all results. SQL query string, which may contain format items Zero or more objects to format All results combined into an array the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid

The parameter is formatted using .

Multiple rows columns will be collapsed into a single one-dimensional list.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute, MsiViewFetch

Executes the specified SQL SELECT query and returns all results. SQL SELECT query string Optional Record object containing the values that replace the parameter tokens (?) in the SQL query. All results combined into an array the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid

Multiple rows columns will be collapsed into a single one-dimensional list.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute, MsiViewFetch

Executes the specified SQL SELECT query and returns all results as integers. SQL query string, which may contain format items Zero or more objects to format All results combined into an array the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid

The parameter is formatted using .

Multiple rows columns will be collapsed into a single one-dimensional list.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute, MsiViewFetch

Executes the specified SQL SELECT query and returns all results as integers. SQL SELECT query string Optional Record object containing the values that replace the parameter tokens (?) in the SQL query. All results combined into an array the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid

Multiple rows columns will be collapsed into a single one-dimensional list.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute, MsiViewFetch

Executes the specified SQL SELECT query and returns all results as strings. SQL query string, which may contain format items Zero or more objects to format All results combined into an array the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid

The parameter is formatted using .

Multiple rows columns will be collapsed into a single on-dimensional list.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute, MsiViewFetch

Executes the specified SQL SELECT query and returns all results as strings. SQL SELECT query string Optional Record object containing the values that replace the parameter tokens (?) in the SQL query. All results combined into an array the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed the Database handle is invalid

Multiple rows columns will be collapsed into a single on-dimensional list.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute, MsiViewFetch

Executes the specified SQL SELECT query and returns a single result. SQL query string, which may contain format items Zero or more objects to format First field of the first result the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed or the query returned 0 results the Database handle is invalid

The parameter is formatted using .

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute, MsiViewFetch

Executes the specified SQL SELECT query and returns a single result. SQL SELECT query string Optional Record object containing the values that replace the parameter tokens (?) in the SQL query. First field of the first result the SQL syntax is invalid the View could not be executed or the query returned 0 results the Database handle is invalid

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDatabaseOpenView, MsiViewExecute, MsiViewFetch

Creates a transform that, when applied to the object database, results in the reference database. Database that does not include the changes Name of the generated transform file, or null to only check whether or not the two database are identical true if a transform is generated, or false if a transform is not generated because there are no differences between the two databases. the transform could not be generated a Database handle is invalid

A transform can add non-primary key columns to the end of a table. A transform cannot be created that adds primary key columns to a table. A transform cannot be created that changes the order, names, or definitions of columns.

If the transform is to be applied during an installation you must use the method to populate the summary information stream.

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseGenerateTransform

Creates and populates the summary information stream of an existing transform file, and fills in the properties with the base and reference ProductCode and ProductVersion. Database that does not include the changes Name of the generated transform file Error conditions that should be suppressed when the transform is applied Defines which properties should be validated to verify that this transform can be applied to a database. the transform summary info could not be generated a Database handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiCreateTransformSummaryInfo

Apply a transform to the database, recording the changes in the "_TransformView" table. Path to the transform file the transform could not be applied the Database handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseApplyTransform

Apply a transform to the database, suppressing any error conditions specified by the transform's summary information. Path to the transform file the transform could not be applied the Database handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseApplyTransform

Apply a transform to the database, specifying error conditions to suppress. Path to the transform file Error conditions that are to be suppressed the transform could not be applied the Database handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiDatabaseApplyTransform

Checks whether a transform is valid for this Database, according to its validation data and flags. Path to the transform file true if the transform can be validly applied to this Database; false otherwise the transform could not be applied the Database handle is invalid Checks whether a transform is valid for this Database, according to its SummaryInfo data. SummaryInfo data of a transform file true if the transform can be validly applied to this Database; false otherwise error processing summary info the Database or SummaryInfo handle is invalid Managed-code portion of the embedded UI proxy. Initializes managed embedded UI by loading the UI class and invoking its Initialize method. Integer handle to the installer session. Name of the class that implements the embedded UI. This must be of the form: "AssemblyName!Namespace.Class" On entry, contains the current UI level for the installation. After this method returns, the installer resets the UI level to the returned value of this parameter. 0 if the embedded UI was successfully loaded and initialized, ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT if the user canceled the installation during initialization, or ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE if the embedded UI could not be initialized. Due to interop limitations, the successful resulting UILevel is actually returned as the high-word of the return value instead of via a ref parameter. Passes a progress message to the UI class. Installer message type and message box options. Handle to a record containing message data. Return value returned by the UI class. Passes a shutdown message to the UI class. Instantiates a UI class from a given assembly and class name. Installer session, for logging. Name of the class that implements the embedded UI. This must be of the form: "AssemblyName!Namespace.Class" Interface on the UI class for handling UI messages. Specifies a return status value for custom actions. Action completed successfully. Skip remaining actions, not an error. User terminated prematurely. Unrecoverable error or unhandled exception occurred. Action not executed. Specifies the open mode for a . Open a database read-only, no persistent changes. Open a database read/write in transaction mode. Open a database direct read/write without transaction. Create a new database, transact mode read/write. Create a new database, direct mode read/write. Log modes available for and . Disable logging. Log out of memory or fatal exit information. Log error messages. Log warning messages. Log user requests. Log status messages that are not displayed. Log request to determine a valid source location. Log insufficient disk space error. Log the start of installation actions. Log the data record for installation actions. Log parameters for user-interface initialization. Log the property values at termination. Sends large amounts of information to log file not generally useful to users. May be used for support. Log extra debugging information. Log only on error. Log progress bar information. This message includes information on units so far and total number of units. See for an explanation of the message format. This message is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged. If this is not a quiet installation, then the basic UI has been initialized. If this is a full UI installation, the Full UI is not yet initialized. This message is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged. If a full UI is being used, the full UI has ended. If this is not a quiet installation, the basic UI has not yet ended. This message is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged. Sent prior to display of the Full UI dialog. This message is only sent to an external user interface and is not logged. List of files in use that need to be replaced. [MSI 4.0] List of apps that the user can request Restart Manager to shut down and restart. Type of message to be processed by , , or . Premature termination, possibly fatal OOM. Formatted error message. Formatted warning message. User request message. Informative message for log. List of files in use that need to be replaced. Request to determine a valid source location. Insufficient disk space message. Start of action: action name & description. Formatted data associated with individual action item. Progress gauge info: units so far, total. Product info for dialog: language Id, dialog caption. Sent prior to UI initialization, no string data. Sent after UI termination, no string data. Sent prior to display or authored dialog or wizard. [MSI 4.0] List of apps that the user can request Restart Manager to shut down and restart. [MSI 4.5] Sent prior to install of a product. [MSI 4.5] Sent after install of a product. Specifies the install mode for or . Provide the component only if the feature's installation state is . Only check that the component is registered, without verifying that the key file of the component exists. Provide the component only if the feature exists. Provide the component and perform any installation necessary to provide the component. Specifies the run mode for . The administrative mode is installing, or the product is installing. The advertisements are installing or the product is installing or updating. An existing installation is being modified or there is a new installation. Rollback is enabled. The log file is active. It was enabled prior to the installation session. Execute operations are spooling or they are in the determination phase. A reboot is necessary after a successful installation (settable). A reboot is necessary to continue the installation (settable). Files from cabinets and Media table files are installing. The source LongFileNames is suppressed through the PID_MSISOURCE summary property. The target LongFileNames is suppressed through the SHORTFILENAMES property. The operating system is Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows ME. The operating system supports demand installation. A custom action called from install script execution. A custom action called from rollback execution script. A custom action called from commit execution script. Installed state of a Component or Feature. The component is disabled. The installation configuration data is corrupt. The installation is suspended or in progress. Component is set to run from source, but source is unavailable. The buffer overflow is returned. An invalid parameter was passed to the function. An unrecognized product or feature name was passed to the function. The component is broken. The feature is advertised. The component is being removed. In action state and not settable. The component is not installed, or action state is absent but clients remain. The component is installed on the local drive. The component will run from the source, CD, or network. The component will be installed in the default location: local or source. Specifies the type of installation for . Searches system for products to patch. Indicates a administrative installation. Indicates a particular instance. Level of the installation user interface, specified with . Does not change UI level. Uses Default UI level. Silent installation. Simple progress and error handling. Authored UI, wizard dialogs suppressed. Authored UI with wizards, progress, and errors. When combined with the value, the installer does not display the cancel button in the progress dialog. When combined with the value, the installer displays progress dialog boxes but does not display any modal dialog boxes or error dialog boxes. When combined with another value, the installer displays a modal dialog box at the end of a successful installation or if there has been an error. No dialog box is displayed if the user cancels. Forces display of the source resolution dialog even if the UI is otherwise silent. [MSI 5.0] Forces display of the UAC dialog even if the UI is otherwise silent. Specifies a return status value for message handlers. These values are returned by , , and . An error was found in the message handler. No action was taken. IDOK IDCANCEL IDABORT IDRETRY IDIGNORE IDYES IDNO Specifies constants defining which buttons to display for a message. This can be cast to the MessageBoxButtons enum in System.Windows.Forms and System.Windows. The message contains an OK button. The message contains OK and Cancel buttons. The message contains Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. The message contains Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. The message contains Yes and No buttons. The message contains Retry and Cancel buttons. Specifies constants defining which information to display. This can be cast to the MessageBoxIcon enum in System.Windows.Forms and System.Windows. The message contain no symbols. The message contains a symbol consisting of white X in a circle with a red background. The message contains a symbol consisting of a white X in a circle with a red background. The message contains a symbol consisting of white X in a circle with a red background. The message contains a symbol consisting of a question mark in a circle. The message contains a symbol consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle with a yellow background. The message contains a symbol consisting of an exclamation point in a triangle with a yellow background. The message contains a symbol consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle. The message contains a symbol consisting of a lowercase letter i in a circle. Specifies constants defining the default button on a message. This can be cast to the MessageBoxDefaultButton enum in System.Windows.Forms and System.Windows. The first button on the message is the default button. The second button on the message is the default button. The third button on the message is the default button. Additional styles for use with message boxes. The message box is created with the WS_EX_TOPMOST window style. The caller is a service notifying the user of an event. The function displays a message box on the current active desktop, even if there is no user logged on to the computer. Specifies the different patch states for . Invalid value. Patches applied to a product. Patches that are superseded by other patches. Patches that are obsolesced by other patches. Patches that are registered to a product but not applied. All valid patch states. Specifies the reinstall mode for or . Reinstall only if file is missing. Reinstall if file is missing, or older version. Reinstall if file is missing, or equal or older version. Reinstall if file is missing, or not exact version. Checksum executables, reinstall if missing or corrupt. Reinstall all files, regardless of version. Insure required machine reg entries. Insure required user reg entries. Validate shortcuts items. Use re-cache source install package. Attributes for methods. No attributes. Request that the Windows Installer not shutdown the embedded UI until the transaction is complete. Request that the Windows Installer transfer the embedded UI from the original installation. Transform error conditions available for or . No error conditions. Adding a row that already exists. Deleting a row that doesn't exist. Adding a table that already exists. Deleting a table that doesn't exist. Updating a row that doesn't exist. Transform and database code pages do not match and neither code page is neutral. Create the temporary _TransformView table when applying the transform. Transform validation flags available for . Validate no properties. Default language must match base database. Product must match base database. Check major version only. Check major and minor versions only. Check major, minor, and update versions. Installed version < base version. Installed version <= base version. Installed version = base version. Installed version >= base version. Installed version > base version. UpgradeCode must match base database. Specifies the installation context for s, es, and Not installed. User managed install context. User non-managed context. Per-machine context. All contexts, or all valid values. All user-managed contexts. Defines the type of error encountered by the , , or methods of the class. No error. The new record duplicates primary keys of the existing record in a table. There are no null values allowed, or the column is about to be deleted but is referenced by another row. The corresponding record in a foreign table was not found. The data is greater than the maximum value allowed. The data is less than the minimum value allowed. The data is not a member of the values permitted in the set. An invalid version string was supplied. The case was invalid. The case must be all uppercase or all lowercase. An invalid GUID was supplied. An invalid wildcard file name was supplied, or the use of wildcards was invalid. An invalid identifier was supplied. Invalid language IDs were supplied. An invalid file name was supplied. An invalid path was supplied. An invalid conditional statement was supplied. An invalid format string was supplied. An invalid template string was supplied. An invalid string was supplied in the DefaultDir column of the Directory table. An invalid registry path string was supplied. An invalid string was supplied in the CustomSource column of the CustomAction table. An invalid property string was supplied. The _Validation table is missing a reference to a column. The category column of the _Validation table for the column is invalid. The table in the Keytable column of the _Validation table was not found or loaded. The value in the MaxValue column of the _Validation table is less than the value in the MinValue column. An invalid cabinet name was supplied. An invalid shortcut target name was supplied. The string is too long for the length specified by the column definition. An invalid localization attribute was supplied. (Primary keys cannot be localized.) Specifies the modify mode for . Refreshes the information in the supplied record without changing the position in the result set and without affecting subsequent fetch operations. Refreshes the data in a Record. Inserts a Record into the view. Updates the View with new data from the Record. Updates or inserts a Record into the View. Updates or deletes and inserts a Record into the View. Inserts or validates a record. Deletes a Record from the View. Inserts a Record into the View. The inserted data is not persistent. Validates a record. Validates a new record. Validates fields of a fetched or new record. Can validate one or more fields of an incomplete record. Validates a record that will be deleted later. Base class for Windows Installer exceptions. Creates a new InstallerException with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Creates a new InstallerException with a specified error message. The message that describes the error. Creates a new InstallerException. Initializes a new instance of the InstallerException class with serialized data. The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Gets the system error code that resulted in this exception, or 0 if not applicable. Gets a message that describes the exception. This message may contain detailed formatted error data if it was available. Sets the SerializationInfo with information about the exception. The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Gets extended information about the error, or null if no further information is available. A Record object. Field 1 of the Record contains the installer message code. Other fields contain data specific to the particular error.

If the record is passed to , it is formatted by looking up the string in the current database. If there is no installation session, the formatted error message may be obtained by a query on the Error table using the error code, followed by a call to . Alternatively, the standard MSI message can by retrieved by calling the method.

The following methods and properties may report extended error data: (constructor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (constructor) . . . . . . . . .

The Record object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetLastErrorRecord

User Canceled the installation. Creates a new InstallCanceledException with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Creates a new InstallCanceledException with a specified error message. The message that describes the error. Creates a new InstallCanceledException. Initializes a new instance of the InstallCanceledException class with serialized data. The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. A bad SQL query string was passed to or . Creates a new BadQuerySyntaxException with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Creates a new BadQuerySyntaxException with a specified error message. The message that describes the error. Creates a new BadQuerySyntaxException. Initializes a new instance of the BadQuerySyntaxException class with serialized data. The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. A method was called on an invalid installer handle. The handle may have been already closed. Creates a new InvalidHandleException with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Creates a new InvalidHandleException with a specified error message. The message that describes the error. Creates a new InvalidHandleException. Initializes a new instance of the InvalidHandleException class with serialized data. The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. A failure occurred when executing . The exception may contain details about the merge conflict. Creates a new MergeException with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. The message that describes the error. The exception that is the cause of the current exception. If the innerException parameter is not a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic), the current exception is raised in a catch block that handles the inner exception. Creates a new MergeException with a specified error message. The message that describes the error. Creates a new MergeException. Initializes a new instance of the MergeException class with serialized data. The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Gets the number of merge conflicts in each table, corresponding to the tables returned by . Gets the list of tables containing merge conflicts. Gets a message that describes the merge conflits. Sets the SerializationInfo with information about the exception. The SerializationInfo that holds the serialized object data about the exception being thrown. The StreamingContext that contains contextual information about the source or destination. Defines a callback function that the installer calls for progress notification and error messages. [MSI 3.1] Defines a callback function that the installer calls for record-based progress notification and error messages. Provides static methods for installing and configuring products and patches. Enables an external user-interface handler. This external UI handler is called before the normal internal user-interface handler. The external UI handler has the option to suppress the internal UI by returning a non-zero value to indicate that it has handled the messages. A callback delegate that handles the UI messages Specifies which messages to handle using the external message handler. If the external handler returns a non-zero result, then that message will not be sent to the UI, instead the message will be logged if logging has been enabled. The previously set external handler, or null if there was no previously set handler

To restore the previous UI handler, a second call is made to SetExternalUI using the ExternalUIHandler returned by the first call to SetExternalUI and specifying as the message filter.

The external user interface handler does not have full control over the external user interface unless is called with the uiLevel parameter set to . If SetInternalUI is not called, the internal user interface level defaults to . As a result, any message not handled by the external user interface handler is handled by Windows Installer. The initial "Preparing to install..." dialog always appears even if the external user interface handler handles all messages.

SetExternalUI should only be called from a bootstrapping application. You cannot call it from a custom action

Win32 MSI API: MsiSetExternalUI

[MSI 3.1] Enables a record-based external user-interface handler. This external UI handler is called before the normal internal user-interface handler. The external UI handler has the option to suppress the internal UI by returning a non-zero value to indicate that it has handled the messages. A callback delegate that handles the UI messages Specifies which messages to handle using the external message handler. If the external handler returns a non-zero result, then that message will not be sent to the UI, instead the message will be logged if logging has been enabled. The previously set external handler, or null if there was no previously set handler

To restore the previous UI handler, a second call is made to SetExternalUI using the ExternalUIHandler returned by the first call to SetExternalUI and specifying as the message filter.

The external user interface handler does not have full control over the external user interface unless is called with the uiLevel parameter set to . If SetInternalUI is not called, the internal user interface level defaults to . As a result, any message not handled by the external user interface handler is handled by Windows Installer. The initial "Preparing to install..." dialog always appears even if the external user interface handler handles all messages.

SetExternalUI should only be called from a bootstrapping application. You cannot call it from a custom action

Win32 MSI API: MsiSetExternalUIRecord

Indicates whether a system reboot is required after running an installation or configuration operation. Indicates whether a system reboot has been initiated after running an installation or configuration operation. Enables the installer's internal user interface. Then this user interface is used for all subsequent calls to user-interface-generating installer functions in this process. Specifies the level of complexity of the user interface Handle to a window, which becomes the owner of any user interface created. A pointer to the previous owner of the user interface is returned. The previous user interface level

Win32 MSI API: MsiSetInternalUI

Enables the installer's internal user interface. Then this user interface is used for all subsequent calls to user-interface-generating installer functions in this process. The owner of the user interface does not change. Specifies the level of complexity of the user interface The previous user interface level

Win32 MSI API: MsiSetInternalUI

Enables logging of the selected message type for all subsequent install sessions in the current process space. One or more mode flags specifying the type of messages to log Full path to the log file. A null path disables logging, in which case the logModes paraneter is ignored. an invalid log mode was specified This method takes effect on any new installation processes. Calling this method from within a custom action will not start logging for that installation. Enables logging of the selected message type for all subsequent install sessions in the current process space. One or more mode flags specifying the type of messages to log Full path to the log file. A null path disables logging, in which case the logModes paraneter is ignored. If true, the log lines will be appended to any existing file content. If false, the log file will be truncated if it exists. The default is false. If true, the log will be flushed after every line. If false, the log will be flushed every 20 lines. The default is true. an invalid log mode was specified

This method takes effect on any new installation processes. Calling this method from within a custom action will not start logging for that installation.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnableLog

increments the usage count for a particular feature and returns the installation state for that feature. This method should be used to indicate an application's intent to use a feature. The product code of the product. The feature to be used. Must have the value . The installed state of the feature.

The UseFeature method should only be used on features known to be published. The application should determine the status of the feature by calling either the FeatureState method or Features method.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiUseFeature, MsiUseFeatureEx

Opens an installer package for use with functions that access the product database and install engine, returning an Session object. Path to the package Specifies whether or not the create a Session object that ignores the computer state and that is incapable of changing the current computer state. A value of false yields the normal behavior. A value of true creates a "safe" Session object that cannot change of the current machine state. A Session object allowing access to the product database and install engine The product could not be opened The installer configuration data is corrupt

Note that only one Session object can be opened by a single process. OpenPackage cannot be used in a custom action because the active installation is the only session allowed.

A "safe" Session object ignores the current computer state when opening the package and prevents changes to the current computer state.

The Session object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiOpenPackage, MsiOpenPackageEx

Opens an installer package for use with functions that access the product database and install engine, returning an Session object. Database used to create the session Specifies whether or not the create a Session object that ignores the computer state and that is incapable of changing the current computer state. A value of false yields the normal behavior. A value of true creates a "safe" Session object that cannot change of the current machine state. A Session object allowing access to the product database and install engine The product could not be opened The installer configuration data is corrupt

Note that only one Session object can be opened by a single process. OpenPackage cannot be used in a custom action because the active installation is the only session allowed.

A "safe" Session object ignores the current computer state when opening the package and prevents changes to the current computer state.

The Session object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiOpenPackage, MsiOpenPackageEx

Opens an installer package for an installed product using the product code. Product code of the installed product A Session object allowing access to the product database and install engine, or null if the specified product is not installed. An unknown product was requested The product could not be opened The installer configuration data is corrupt

Note that only one Session object can be opened by a single process. OpenProduct cannot be used in a custom action because the active installation is the only session allowed.

The Session object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiOpenProduct

Gets the full component path, performing any necessary installation. This method prompts for source if necessary and increments the usage count for the feature. Product code for the product that contains the feature with the necessary component Feature ID of the feature with the necessary component Component code of the necessary component Installation mode; this can also include bits from Path to the component

Win32 MSI API: MsiProvideComponent

Gets the full component path for a qualified component that is published by a product and performs any necessary installation. This method prompts for source if necessary and increments the usage count for the feature. Specifies the component ID for the requested component. This may not be the GUID for the component itself but rather a server that provides the correct functionality, as in the ComponentId column of the PublishComponent table. Specifies a qualifier into a list of advertising components (from PublishComponent Table). Installation mode; this can also include bits from Optional; specifies the product to match that has published the qualified component. Path to the component

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiProvideQualifiedComponent MsiProvideQualifiedComponentEx

Gets the full path to a Windows Installer component containing an assembly. This method prompts for a source and increments the usage count for the feature. Assembly name Set to null for global assemblies. For private assemblies, set to the full path of the application configuration file (.cfg file) or executable file (.exe) of the application to which the assembly has been made private. Installation mode; this can also include bits from True if this is a Win32 assembly, false if it is a .NET assembly Path to the assembly

Win32 MSI API: MsiProvideAssembly

Installs files that are unexpectedly missing. Product code for the product that owns the component to be installed Component to be installed Specifies the way the component should be installed. the user exited the installation

Win32 MSI API: MsiInstallMissingComponent

Installs files that are unexpectedly missing. Product code for the product that owns the file to be installed File to be installed the user exited the installation

Win32 MSI API: MsiInstallMissingFile

Reinstalls a feature. Product code for the product containing the feature to be reinstalled Feature to be reinstalled Reinstall modes the user exited the installation

Win32 MSI API: MsiReinstallFeature

Reinstalls a product. Product code for the product to be reinstalled Reinstall modes the user exited the installation

Win32 MSI API: MsiReinstallProduct

Opens an installer package and initializes an install session. path to the patch package command line property settings There was an error installing the product

To completely remove a product, set REMOVE=ALL in .

This method displays the user interface with the current settings and log mode. You can change user interface settings with the and functions. You can set the log mode with the function.

The and properties should be tested after calling this method.

Win32 MSI API: MsiInstallProduct

Installs or uninstalls a product. Product code of the product to be configured. Specifies the default installation configuration of the product. The parameter is ignored and all features are installed if the parameter is set to any other value than . This parameter must be either 0 (install using authored feature levels), 65535 (install all features), or a value between 0 and 65535 to install a subset of available features. Specifies the installation state for the product. Specifies the command line property settings. This should be a list of the format Property=Setting Property=Setting. There was an error configuring the product

This method displays the user interface with the current settings and log mode. You can change user interface settings with the and functions. You can set the log mode with the function.

The and properties should be tested after calling this method.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiConfigureProduct, MsiConfigureProductEx

Configures the installed state for a product feature. Product code of the product to be configured. Specifies the feature ID for the feature to be configured. Specifies the installation state for the feature. There was an error configuring the feature

The and properties should be tested after calling this method.

Win32 MSI API: MsiConfigureFeature

For each product listed by the patch package as eligible to receive the patch, ApplyPatch invokes an installation and sets the PATCH property to the path of the patch package. path to the patch package optional command line property settings There was an error applying the patch

The and properties should be tested after calling this method.

Win32 MSI API: MsiApplyPatch

For each product listed by the patch package as eligible to receive the patch, ApplyPatch invokes an installation and sets the PATCH property to the path of the patch package. path to the patch package path to the product to be patched, if installType is set to type of installation to patch optional command line property settings There was an error applying the patch

The and properties should be tested after calling this method.

Win32 MSI API: MsiApplyPatch

Removes one or more patches from a single product. To remove a patch from multiple products, RemovePatches must be called for each product. List of patches to remove. Each patch can be specified by the GUID of the patch or the full path to the patch package. The ProductCode (GUID) of the product from which the patches are removed. This parameter cannot be null. optional command line property settings There was an error removing the patches

The and properties should be tested after calling this method.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRemovePatches

Determines which patches apply to a specified product MSI and in what sequence. Full path to an MSI file that is the target product for the set of patches. An array of strings specifying the patches to be checked. Each item may be the path to an MSP file, the path an XML file, or just an XML blob. Callback to be invoked for each inapplicable patch, reporting the reason the patch is not applicable. This value may be left null if that information is not desired. An array of selected patch strings from , indicating the set of applicable patches. The items are re-ordered to be in the best sequence.

If an item in is a file path but does not end in .MSP or .XML, it is assumed to be an MSP file.

As this overload uses InstallContext.None, it does not consider the current state of the system.

Win32 MSI API: MsiDetermineApplicablePatches

Determines which patches apply to a specified product and in what sequence. If the product is installed, this method accounts for patches that have already been applied to the product and accounts for obsolete and superceded patches. The product that is the target for the set of patches. This may be either a ProductCode (GUID) of a product that is currently installed, or the path to a an MSI file. An array of strings specifying the patches to be checked. Each item may be the path to an MSP file, the path an XML file, or just an XML blob. Callback to be invoked for each inapplicable patch, reporting the reason the patch is not applicable. This value may be left null if that information is not desired. Specifies a security identifier (SID) of a user. This parameter restricts the context of enumeration for this user account. This parameter cannot be the special SID strings s-1-1-0 (everyone) or s-1-5-18 (local system). If is set to or , then must be null. For the current user context, can be null and can be set to or . Restricts the enumeration to per-user-unmanaged, per-user-managed, or per-machine context, or (if referring to an MSI) to no system context at all. This parameter can be , , , or . An array of selected patch strings from , indicating the set of applicable patches. The items are re-ordered to be in the best sequence.

If an item in is a file path but does not end in .MSP or .XML, it is assumed to be an MSP file.

Passing an InstallContext of None only analyzes the MSI file; it does not consider the current state of the system. You cannot use InstallContext.None with a ProductCode GUID.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiDetermineApplicablePatches MsiDeterminePatchSequence

Applies one or more patches to products that are eligible to receive the patch. For each product listed by the patch package as eligible to receive the patch, ApplyPatch invokes an installation and sets the PATCH property to the path of the patch package. The set of patch packages to be applied. Each item is the full path to an MSP file. Provides the ProductCode of the product being patched. If this parameter is null, the patches are applied to all products that are eligible to receive these patches. optional command line property settings

Win32 MSI API: MsiApplyMultiplePatches

Extracts information from a patch that can be used to determine whether the patch applies on a target system. The method returns an XML string that can be provided to instead of the full patch file. Full path to the patch being queried. XML string containing patch data.

Win32 MSI API: MsiExtractPatchXMLData

[MSI 3.1] Migrates a user's application configuration data to a new SID. Previous user SID that data is to be migrated from New user SID that data is to be migrated to

Win32 MSI API: MsiNotifySidChange

Advertises a product to the local computer. Path to the package of the product being advertised True if the product is user-assigned; false if it is machine-assigned. Semi-colon delimited list of transforms to be applied. This parameter may be null. The language to use if the source supports multiple languages the specified package file does not exist

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiAdvertiseProduct, MsiAdvertiseProductEx

Generates an advertise script. The method enables the installer to write to a script the registry and shortcut information used to assign or publish a product. Path to the package of the product being advertised path to script file to be created with the advertise information Semi-colon delimited list of transforms to be applied. This parameter may be null. The language to use if the source supports multiple languages the specified package file does not exist

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiAdvertiseProduct, MsiAdvertiseProductEx

Generates an advertise script. The method enables the installer to write to a script the registry and shortcut information used to assign or publish a product. Path to the package of the product being advertised path to script file to be created with the advertise information Semi-colon delimited list of transforms to be applied. This parameter may be null. The language to use if the source supports multiple languages Targeted processor architecture. True to install multiple instances through product code changing transform. Advertises a new instance of the product. Requires that the parameter includes the instance transform that changes the product code.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiAdvertiseProduct, MsiAdvertiseProductEx

Copies an advertise script file to the local computer. Path to a script file generated by Flags controlling advertisement True if specified items are to be removed instead of being created

The process calling this function must be running under the LocalSystem account. To advertise an application for per-user installation to a targeted user, the thread that calls this function must impersonate the targeted user. If the thread calling this function is not impersonating a targeted user, the application is advertised to all users for installation with elevated privileges.

Processes an advertise script file into the specified locations. Path to a script file generated by An optional path to a folder in which advertised icon files and transform files are located. If this parameter is null, no icon or transform files are written. True if shortcuts should be created True if specified items are to be removed instead of created

The process calling this function must be running under the LocalSystem account. To advertise an application for per-user installation to a targeted user, the thread that calls this function must impersonate the targeted user. If the thread calling this function is not impersonating a targeted user, the application is advertised to all users for installation with elevated privileges.

Win32 MSI API: MsiProcessAdvertiseScript

Gets product information for an installer script file. Path to a script file generated by ProductInstallation stub with advertise-related properties filled in. An invalid product property was requested

Only the following properties will be filled in in the returned object:

Other properties will be null.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetProductInfoFromScript

Gets the current version of the installer. Gets a Windows Installer error message in the system default language. The error number. The message string, or null if the error message is not found.

The returned string may have tokens such as [2] and [3] that are meant to be substituted with context-specific values.

Error numbers greater than 2000 refer to MSI "internal" errors, and are always returned in English.

Gets a Windows Installer error message in a specified language. The error number. The locale for the message. The message string, or null if the error message or locale is not found.

The returned string may have tokens such as [2] and [3] that are meant to be substituted with context-specific values.

Error numbers greater than 2000 refer to MSI "internal" errors, and are always returned in English.

Gets a formatted Windows Installer error message in the system default language. Error record containing the error number in the first field, and error-specific parameters in the other fields. The message string, or null if the error message is not found.

Error numbers greater than 2000 refer to MSI "internal" errors, and are always returned in English.

Gets a formatted Windows Installer error message in a specified language. Error record containing the error number in the first field, and error-specific parameters in the other fields. The locale for the message. The message string, or null if the error message or locale is not found.

Error numbers greater than 2000 refer to MSI "internal" errors, and are always returned in English.

Gets the version string of the path specified using the format that the installer expects to find it in in the database. Path to the file Version string in the "#.#.#.#" format, or an empty string if the file does not contain version information the file does not exist or could not be read

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetFileVersion

Gets the language string of the path specified using the format that the installer expects to find them in in the database. Path to the file Language string in the form of a decimal language ID, or an empty string if the file does not contain a language ID the file does not exist or could not be read

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetFileVersion

Gets a 128-bit hash of the specified file. Path to the file Integer array of length 4 which receives the four 32-bit parts of the hash value. the file does not exist or could not be read

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetFileHash

Examines a shortcut and returns its product, feature name, and component if available. Full path to a shortcut ShortcutTarget structure containing target product code, feature, and component code

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetShortcutTarget

Verifies that the given file is an installation package. Path to the package True if the file is an installation package; false otherwise. the specified package file does not exist the package file could not be opened

Win32 MSI API: MsiVerifyPackage

[MSI 4.0] Gets the list of files that can be updated by one or more patches. ProductCode (GUID) of the product which is the target of the patches list of file paths of one or more patches to be analyzed List of absolute paths of files that can be updated when the patches are applied on this system.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetPatchFileList

Accessor for information about features within the context of an installation session. Gets information about a feature within the context of an installation session. name of the feature feature object Checks if the collection contains a feature. name of the feature true if the feature is in the collection, else false Copies the features into an array. array that receives the features offset into the array Gets the number of features defined for the product. Enumerates the features in the collection. an enumerator over all features in the collection Provides access to information about a feature within the context of an installation session. Gets the name of the feature (primary key in the Feature table). Gets the current install state of the feature. the Session handle is invalid an unknown feature was requested

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetFeatureState

Gets or sets the action state of the feature. the Session handle is invalid an unknown feature was requested

When changing the feature action, the action state of all the Components linked to the changed Feature records are also updated appropriately, based on the new feature Select state. All Features can be configured at once by specifying the keyword ALL instead of a specific feature name.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiGetFeatureState, MsiSetFeatureState

Gets a list of valid installation states for the feature. the Session handle is invalid an unknown feature was requested

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetFeatureValidStates

Gets or sets the attributes of the feature. the Session handle is invalid an unknown feature was requested

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiGetFeatureInfo, MsiSetFeatureAttributes

Since the lpAttributes paramter of MsiGetFeatureInfo does not contain an equivalent flag for , this flag will not be retrieved.

Since the dwAttributes parameter of MsiSetFeatureAttributes does not contain an equivalent flag for , the presence of this flag will be ignored.

Gets the title of the feature. the Session handle is invalid an unknown feature was requested

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetFeatureInfo

Gets the description of the feature. the Session handle is invalid an unknown feature was requested

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetFeatureInfo

Calculates the disk space required by the feature and its selected children and parent features. If true, the parent features are included in the cost. If true, the child features are included in the cost. Specifies the installation state. The disk space requirement in bytes.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetFeatureCost

Represents an instance of a feature of an installed product. Creates a new FeatureInstallation instance for a feature of a product. feature name ProductCode GUID Gets the name of the feature. Gets the installed state of the feature.

Win32 MSI API: MsiQueryFeatureState

Gets the parent of the feature, or null if the feature has no parent (it is a root feature). Invocation of this property may be slightly costly for products with many features, because it involves an enumeration of all the features in the product. Gets the usage metrics for the feature.

If no usage metrics are recorded, the value is 0.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetFeatureUsage

Holds data about the usage of a feature. Gets count of the number of times the feature has been used. Gets the date the feature was last used. Base class for Windows Installer handle types (Database, View, Record, SummaryInfo).

These classes implement the interface, because they hold unmanaged resources (MSI handles) that should be properly disposed when no longer needed.

Constructs a handle object from a native integer handle. Native integer handle. true to close the handle when this object is disposed or finalized Gets the native integer handle. Checks if the handle is closed. When closed, method calls on the handle object may throw an . Closes the handle. After closing a handle, further method calls may throw an .

The finalizer of this class will NOT close the handle if it is still open, because finalization can run on a separate thread from the application, resulting in potential problems if handles are closed from that thread. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiCloseHandle

Closes the handle. After closing a handle, further method calls may throw an .

The finalizer of this class will NOT close the handle if it is still open, because finalization can run on a separate thread from the application, resulting in potential problems if handles are closed from that thread. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

This method is merely an alias for the method.

Win32 MSI API: MsiCloseHandle

Tests whether this handle object is equal to another handle object. Two handle objects are equal if their types are the same and their native integer handles are the same. The handle object to compare with the current handle object. true if the specified handle object is equal to the current handle object; otherwise false Gets a hash value for the handle object. A hash code for the handle object.

The hash code is derived from the native integer handle.

Gets an object that can be used internally for safe syncronization. Closes the handle. After closing a handle, further method calls may throw an . If true, the method has been called directly or indirectly by a user's code, so managed and unmanaged resources will be disposed. If false, the method has been called by the runtime from inside the finalizer, and only unmanaged resources will be disposed. [MSI 4.5] Interface for an embedded external user interface for an installation. Classes which implement this interface must have a public constructor that takes no parameters. Initializes the embedded UI. Handle to the installer which can be used to get and set properties. The handle is only valid for the duration of this method call. Path to the directory that contains all the files from the MsiEmbeddedUI table. On entry, contains the current UI level for the installation. After this method returns, the installer resets the UI level to the returned value of this parameter. True if the embedded UI was successfully initialized; false if the installation should continue without the embedded UI. The installation was canceled by the user. The embedded UI failed to initialize and causes the installation to fail.

Win32 MSI API: InitializeEmbeddedUI

Processes information and progress messages sent to the user interface. Message type. Record that contains message data. Message buttons. Message box icon. Message box default button. Result of processing the message.

Win32 MSI API: EmbeddedUIHandler

Shuts down the embedded UI at the end of the installation. If the installation was canceled during initialization, this method will not be called. If the installation was canceled or failed at any later point, this method will be called at the end.

Win32 MSI API: ShutdownEmbeddedUI

Subclasses of this abstract class represent a unique instance of a registered product or patch installation. Gets the user security identifier (SID) under which this product or patch installation is available. Gets the user context of this product or patch installation. Gets the source list of this product or patch installation. Gets a value indicating whether this product or patch is installed on the current system. Gets a property about the product or patch installation. Name of the property being retrieved. Subclasses of this abstract class represent an instance of a registered feature or component. Gets the product that this item is a part of. Gets the current installation state of the item. Represents a per-drive disk space cost for an installation. Creates a new InstallCost object. name of the drive this cost data applies to installation cost on this drive, as a number of bytes temporary disk space required on this drive, as a number of bytes The name of the drive this cost data applies to. The installation cost on this drive, as a number of bytes. The temporary disk space required on this drive, as a number of bytes.

This temporary space requirement is space needed only for the duration of the installation, over the final footprint on disk.

Receives an exception from indicating the reason a particular patch is not applicable to a product. MSP file path, XML file path, or XML blob that was passed to exception indicating the reason the patch is not applicable

If is an or subclass, then its and properties will indicate a more specific reason the patch was not applicable.

The could also be a FileNotFoundException if the patch string was a file path.

[MSI 4.5] Handle to a multi-session install transaction.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiBeginTransaction MsiJoinTransaction MsiEndTransaction

[MSI 4.5] Begins transaction processing of a multi-package installation. Name of the multi-package installation. Select optional behavior when beginning the transaction. The transaction could not be initialized.

Win32 MSI API: MsiBeginTransaction

Internal constructor. The second parameter is an array in order to receive multiple values from the initialization method. Creates a new Transaction object from an integer handle. Integer transaction handle true to close the handle when this object is disposed Gets the name of the transaction. Notifies listeners when the process that owns the transaction changed. Makes the current process the owner of the multi-package installation transaction. Select optional behavior when joining the transaction. The transaction handle is not valid. The transaction could not be joined.

Win32 MSI API: MsiJoinTransaction

Ends the install transaction and commits all changes to the system belonging to the transaction. The transaction could not be committed.

Runs any Commit Custom Actions and commits to the system any changes to Win32 or common language runtime assemblies. Deletes the rollback script, and after using this option, the transaction's changes can no longer be undone with a Rollback Installation.

This method can only be called by the current owner of the transaction.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEndTransaction

Ends the install transaction and undoes changes to the system belonging to the transaction. The transaction could not be rolled back.

This method can only be called by the current owner of the transaction.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEndTransaction

Represents a media disk source of a product or a patch. Creates a new media disk. Gets or sets the disk id of the media disk. Gets or sets the volume label of the media disk. Gets or sets the disk prompt of the media disk. The Patch object represents a unique instance of a patch that has been registered or applied. Enumerates all patch installations on the system. Enumeration of patch objects.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumPatches

Enumerates patch installations based on certain criteria. PatchCode (GUID) of the patch to be enumerated. Only instances of patches within the scope of the context specified by the and parameters will be enumerated. This parameter may be set to null to enumerate all patches in the specified context. ProductCode (GUID) product whose patches are to be enumerated. If non-null, patch enumeration is restricted to instances of this product within the specified context. If null, the patches for all products under the specified context are enumerated. Specifies a security identifier (SID) that restricts the context of enumeration. A SID value other than s-1-1-0 is considered a user SID and restricts enumeration to the current user or any user in the system. The special SID string s-1-1-0 (Everyone) specifies enumeration across all users in the system. This parameter can be set to null to restrict the enumeration scope to the current user. When must be null. Specifies the user context. The of patches to return.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiEnumPatchesEx

Creates a new object for accessing information about a patch installation on the current system. Patch code (GUID) of the patch. ProductCode (GUID) the patch has been applied to. This parameter may be null for patches that are registered only and not yet applied to any product.

All available user contexts will be queried.

Creates a new object for accessing information about a patch installation on the current system. Registered patch code (GUID) of the patch. ProductCode (GUID) the patch has been applied to. This parameter may be null for patches that are registered only and not yet applied to any product. The specific user, when working in a user context. This parameter may be null to indicate the current user. The parameter must be null when working in a machine context. The user context. The calling process must have administrative privileges to get information for a product installed for a user other than the current user.

If the is null, the Patch object may only be used to read and update the patch's SourceList information.

Gets the patch code (GUID) of the patch. Gets the ProductCode (GUID) of the product. Gets a value indicating whether this patch is currently installed. Gets a value indicating whether this patch is marked as obsolte. Gets a value indicating whether this patch is present but has been superseded by a more recent installed patch. Gets the installation state of this instance of the patch. An unknown patch was requested The installer configuration data is corrupt Gets the cached patch file that the product uses. Gets the set of patch transforms that the last patch installation applied to the product.

This value may not be available for per-user, non-managed applications if the user is not logged on.

Gets the date and time when the patch is applied to the product. True patch is marked as possible to uninstall from the product.

Even if this property is true, the installer can still block the uninstallation if this patch is required by another patch that cannot be uninstalled.

Get the registered display name for the patch. Gets the registered support information URL for the patch. Gets information about a specific patch installation. The property being retrieved; see remarks for valid properties. The property value, or an empty string if the property is not set for the patch. An unknown patch or property was requested The installer configuration data is corrupt

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiGetPatchInfo, MsiGetPatchInfoEx

Represents a unique instance of a product that is either advertised, installed or unknown. Gets the set of all products with a specified upgrade code. This method lists the currently installed and advertised products that have the specified UpgradeCode property in their Property table. Upgrade code of related products Enumeration of product codes

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumRelatedProducts

Enumerates all product installations on the system. An enumeration of product objects.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumProducts,

Enumerates product installations based on certain criteria. ProductCode (GUID) of the product instances to be enumerated. Only instances of products within the scope of the context specified by the and parameters will be enumerated. This parameter may be set to null to enumerate all products in the specified context. Specifies a security identifier (SID) that restricts the context of enumeration. A SID value other than s-1-1-0 is considered a user SID and restricts enumeration to the current user or any user in the system. The special SID string s-1-1-0 (Everyone) specifies enumeration across all users in the system. This parameter can be set to null to restrict the enumeration scope to the current user. When is set to the machine context only, must be null. Specifies the user context. An enumeration of product objects for enumerated product instances.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumProductsEx

Creates a new object for accessing information about a product installation on the current system. ProductCode (GUID) of the product.

All available user contexts will be queried.

Creates a new object for accessing information about a product installation on the current system. ProductCode (GUID) of the product. The specific user, when working in a user context. This parameter may be null to indicate the current user. The parameter must be null when working in a machine context. The user context. The calling process must have administrative privileges to get information for a product installed for a user other than the current user. Gets the set of published features for the product. Enumeration of published features for the product. The installer configuration data is corrupt

Because features are not ordered, any new feature has an arbitrary index, meaning this property can return features in any order.

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumFeatures

Gets the ProductCode (GUID) of the product. Gets a value indicating whether this product is installed on the current system. Gets a value indicating whether this product is advertised on the current system. Checks whether the product is installed with elevated privileges. An application is called a "managed application" if elevated (system) privileges are used to install the application. True if the product is elevated; false otherwise

Note that this property does not take into account policies such as AlwaysInstallElevated, but verifies that the local system owns the product's registry data.

Gets the source list of this product installation. The support link. The support telephone. Date and time the product was installed. The installed product name. The installation location. The installation source. The local cached package. The publisher. URL about information. The URL update information. The product version. The product identifier.

For more information, see ProductID

The company that is registered to use the product. The owner who is registered to use the product. Transforms. Product language. Human readable product name. True if the product is advertised per-machine; false if it is per-user or not advertised. Identifier of the package that a product is installed from. Version of the advertised product. Primary icon for the package. Name of the installation package for the advertised product. True if the advertised product can be serviced by non-administrators without elevation. Gets information about an installation of a product. Name of the property being retrieved. An unknown product or property was requested The installer configuration data is corrupt

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiGetProductInfo, MsiGetProductInfoEx

Gets the installed state for a product feature. The feature being queried; identifier from the Feature table Installation state of the feature for the product instance: either , , or .

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiQueryFeatureState, MsiQueryFeatureStateEx

Gets the installed state for a product component. The component being queried; GUID of the component as found in the ComponentId column of the Component table. Installation state of the component for the product instance: either or .

Win32 MSI API: MsiQueryComponentState

Obtains and stores the user information and product ID from an installation wizard.

This method is typically called by an application during the first run of the application. The application first gets the or . If those properties are missing, the application calls CollectUserInfo. CollectUserInfo opens the product's installation package and invokes a wizard sequence that collects user information. Upon completion of the sequence, user information is registered. Since this API requires an authored user interface, the user interface level should be set to full by calling as .

The CollectUserInfo method invokes a FirstRun dialog from the product installation database.

Win32 MSI API: MsiCollectUserInfo

Some products might write some invalid/nonstandard version strings to the registry. This method tries to get the best data it can. Version string retrieved from the registry. Version object, or null if the version string is completely invalid. The Record object is a container for holding and transferring a variable number of values. Fields within the record are numerically indexed and can contain strings, integers, streams, and null values. Record fields are indexed starting with 1. Field 0 is a special format field.

Most methods on the Record class have overloads that allow using either a number or a name to designate a field. However note that field names only exist when the Record is directly returned from a query on a database. For other records, attempting to access a field by name will result in an InvalidOperationException.

IsFormatStringInvalid is set from several View methods that invalidate the FormatString and used to determine behavior during Record.ToString(). Creates a new record object with the requested number of fields. Required number of fields, which may be 0. The maximum number of fields in a record is limited to 65535.

The Record object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiCreateRecord

Creates a new record object, providing values for an arbitrary number of fields. The values of the record fields. The parameters should be of type Int16, Int32 or String

The Record object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiCreateRecord

Gets the number of fields in a record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordGetFieldCount

Gets or sets field 0 of the Record, which is the format string. Gets or sets a record field value. Specifies the name of the field of the Record to get or set. The name does not match any known field of the Record.

When getting a field, the type of the object returned depends on the type of the Record field. The object will be one of: Int16, Int32, String, Stream, or null.

When setting a field, the type of the object provided will be converted to match the View query that returned the record, or if Record was not returned from a view then the type of the object provided will determine the type of the Record field. The object should be one of: Int16, Int32, String, Stream, or null.

Gets or sets a record field value. Specifies the field of the Record to get or set. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

Record fields are indexed starting with 1. Field 0 is a special format field.

When getting a field, the type of the object returned depends on the type of the Record field. The object will be one of: Int16, Int32, String, Stream, or null. If the Record was returned from a View, the type will match that of the field from the View query. Otherwise, the type will match the type of the last value set for the field.

When setting a field, the type of the object provided will be converted to match the View query that returned the Record, or if Record was not returned from a View then the type of the object provided will determine the type of the Record field. The object should be one of: Int16, Int32, String, Stream, or null.

The type-specific getters and setters are slightly more efficient than this property, since they don't have to do the extra work to infer the value's type every time.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiRecordGetInteger, MsiRecordGetString, MsiRecordSetInteger, MsiRecordSetString

Creates a new Record object from an integer record handle.

This method is only provided for interop purposes. A Record object should normally be obtained by calling other methods.

The handle will be closed when this object is disposed or finalized.

Integer record handle true to close the handle when this object is disposed or finalized
Sets all fields in a record to null.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordClearData

Reports whether a record field is null. Specifies the field to check. True if the field is null, false otherwise. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordIsNull

Reports whether a record field is null. Specifies the field to check. True if the field is null, false otherwise. The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record. Gets the length of a record field. The count does not include the terminating null. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

The returned data size is 0 if the field is null, non-existent, or an internal object pointer. The method also returns 0 if the handle is not a valid Record handle.

If the data is in integer format, the property returns 2 or 4.

If the data is in string format, the property returns the character count (not including the NULL terminator).

If the data is in stream format, the property returns the byte count.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordDataSize

Gets the length of a record field. The count does not include the terminating null. Specifies the field to check. The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record.

The returned data size is 0 if the field is null, non-existent, or an internal object pointer. The method also returns 0 if the handle is not a valid Record handle.

If the data is in integer format, the property returns 2 or 4.

If the data is in string format, the property returns the character count (not including the NULL terminator).

If the data is in stream format, the property returns the byte count.

Gets a field value as an integer. Specifies the field to retrieve. Integer value of the field, or 0 if the field is null. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordGetInteger

Gets a field value as an integer. Specifies the field to retrieve. Integer value of the field, or 0 if the field is null. The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record. Gets a field value as an integer. Specifies the field to retrieve. Integer value of the field, or null if the field is null. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordGetInteger

Gets a field value as an integer. Specifies the field to retrieve. Integer value of the field, or null if the field is null. The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record. Sets the value of a field to an integer. Specifies the field to set. new value of the field The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordSetInteger

Sets the value of a field to an integer. Specifies the field to set. new value of the field The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record. Sets the value of a field to a nullable integer. Specifies the field to set. new value of the field The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordSetInteger

Sets the value of a field to a nullable integer. Specifies the field to set. new value of the field The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record. Gets a field value as a string. Specifies the field to retrieve. String value of the field, or an empty string if the field is null. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordGetString

Gets a field value as a string. Specifies the field to retrieve. String value of the field, or an empty string if the field is null. The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record. Sets the value of a field to a string. Specifies the field to set. new value of the field The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordSetString

Sets the value of a field to a string. Specifies the field to set. new value of the field The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record. Reads a record stream field into a file. Specifies the field of the Record to get. Specifies the path to the file to contain the stream. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record. Attempt to extract a storage from a database open in read-write mode, or from a database without an associated file path

This method is capable of directly extracting substorages. To do so, first select both the `Name` and `Data` column of the `_Storages` table, then get the stream of the `Data` field. However, substorages may only be extracted from a database that is open in read-only mode.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordReadStream

Reads a record stream field into a file. Specifies the field of the Record to get. Specifies the path to the file to contain the stream. The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record. Attempt to extract a storage from a database open in read-write mode, or from a database without an associated file path

This method is capable of directly extracting substorages. To do so, first select both the `Name` and `Data` column of the `_Storages` table, then get the stream of the `Data` field. However, substorages may only be extracted from a database that is open in read-only mode.

Gets a record stream field. Specifies the field of the Record to get. A Stream that reads the field data. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

This method is not capable of reading substorages. To extract a substorage, use .

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordReadStream

Gets a record stream field. Specifies the field of the Record to get. A Stream that reads the field data. The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record.

This method is not capable of reading substorages. To extract a substorage, use .

Sets a record stream field from a file. Stream data cannot be inserted into temporary fields. Specifies the field of the Record to set. Specifies the path to the file containing the stream. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

The contents of the specified file are read into a stream object. The stream persists if the Record is inserted into the Database and the Database is committed.

To reset the stream to its beginning you must pass in null for filePath. Do not pass an empty string, "", to reset the stream.

Setting a stream with this method is more efficient than setting a field to a FileStream object.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordsetStream

Sets a record stream field from a file. Stream data cannot be inserted into temporary fields. Specifies the field name of the Record to set. Specifies the path to the file containing the stream. The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record.

The contents of the specified file are read into a stream object. The stream persists if the Record is inserted into the Database and the Database is committed. To reset the stream to its beginning you must pass in null for filePath. Do not pass an empty string, "", to reset the stream.

Setting a stream with this method is more efficient than setting a field to a FileStream object.

Sets a record stream field from a Stream object. Stream data cannot be inserted into temporary fields. Specifies the field of the Record to set. Specifies the stream data. The field is less than 0 or greater than the number of fields in the Record.

The stream persists if the Record is inserted into the Database and the Database is committed.

Win32 MSI API: MsiRecordsetStream

Sets a record stream field from a Stream object. Stream data cannot be inserted into temporary fields. Specifies the field name of the Record to set. Specifies the stream data. The field name does not match any of the named fields in the Record.

The stream persists if the Record is inserted into the Database and the Database is committed.

Gets a formatted string representation of the Record. A formatted string representation of the Record.

If field 0 of the Record is set to a nonempty string, it is used to format the data in the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiFormatRecord

Gets a formatted string representation of the Record, optionally using a Session to format properties. an optional Session instance that will be used to lookup any properties in the Record's format string A formatted string representation of the Record.

If field 0 of the Record is set to a nonempty string, it is used to format the data in the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiFormatRecord

Gets a formatted string representation of the Record. String to be used to format the data in the Record, instead of the Record's format string. A formatted string representation of the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiFormatRecord

Gets a formatted string representation of the Record, optionally using a Session to format properties. String to be used to format the data in the Record, instead of the Record's format string. an optional Session instance that will be used to lookup any properties in the Record's format string A formatted string representation of the Record.

Win32 MSI API: MsiFormatRecord

Assigns ID numbers to the MSI APIs that are remotable.

This enumeration MUST stay in sync with the unmanaged equivalent in RemoteMsiSession.h!

Defines the signature of the native function in SfxCA.dll that implements the remoting call. Redirects native API calls to either the normal NativeMethods class or to out-of-proc calls via the remoting channel. Checks if the current process is using remoting to access the MSI session and database APIs. Sets a delegate that is used to make remote API calls.

The implementation of this delegate is provided by the custom action host DLL.

The Session object controls the installation process. It opens the install database, which contains the installation tables and data.

This object is associated with a standard set of action functions, each performing particular operations on data from one or more tables. Additional custom actions may be added for particular product installations. The basic engine function is a sequencer that fetches sequential records from a designated sequence table, evaluates any specified condition expression, and executes the designated action. Actions not recognized by the engine are deferred to the UI handler object for processing, usually dialog box sequences.

Note that only one Session object can be opened by a single process.

Gets the Database for the install session. the Session handle is invalid the Database cannot be accessed

Normally there is no need to close this Database object. The same object can be used throughout the lifetime of the Session, and it will be closed when the Session is closed.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetActiveDatabase

Gets the numeric language ID used by the current install session.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetLanguage

Gets or sets the string value of a named installer property, as maintained by the Session object in the in-memory Property table, or, if it is prefixed with a percent sign (%), the value of a system environment variable for the current process. the Session handle is invalid

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiGetProperty, MsiSetProperty

Creates a new Session object from an integer session handle. Integer session handle true to close the handle when this object is disposed or finalized

This method is only provided for interop purposes. A Session object should normally be obtained by calling or .

Performs any enabled logging operations and defers execution to the UI handler object associated with the engine. Type of message to be processed Contains message-specific fields A message-dependent return value the Session or Record handle is invalid an invalid message kind is specified the user exited the installation the message-handler failed for an unknown reason

Logging may be selectively enabled for the various message types. See the method.

If record field 0 contains a formatting string, it is used to format the data in the other fields. Else if the message is an error, warning, or user message, an attempt is made to find a message template in the Error table for the current database using the error number found in field 1 of the record for message types and return values.

The parameter may also include message-box flags from the following enumerations: System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxDefaultButton, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon. These flags can be combined with the InstallMessage with a bitwise OR.

Note, this method never returns Cancel or Error values. Instead, appropriate exceptions are thrown in those cases.

Win32 MSI API: MsiProcessMessage

Writes a message to the log, if logging is enabled. The line to be written to the log

Win32 MSI API: MsiProcessMessage

Writes a formatted message to the log, if logging is enabled. The line to be written to the log, containing 0 or more format specifiers An array containing 0 or more objects to be formatted

Win32 MSI API: MsiProcessMessage

Evaluates a logical expression containing symbols and values. conditional expression The result of the condition evaluation the Session handle is invalid the condition is null or empty the conditional expression is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiEvaluateCondition

Evaluates a logical expression containing symbols and values, specifying a default value to be returned in case the condition is empty. conditional expression value to return if the condition is empty The result of the condition evaluation the Session handle is invalid the conditional expression is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiEvaluateCondition

Formats a string containing installer properties. A format string containing property tokens A formatted string containing property data the Record handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiFormatRecord

Returns a formatted string from record data. Record object containing a template and data to be formatted. The template string must be set in field 0 followed by any referenced data parameters. A formatted string containing the record data the Record handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiFormatRecord

Returns a formatted string from record data using a specified format. Record object containing a template and data to be formatted Format string to be used instead of field 0 of the Record A formatted string containing the record data the Record handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiFormatRecord

Retrieves product properties (not session properties) from the product database. Value of the property, or an empty string if the property is not set.

Note this is not the correct method for getting ordinary session properties. For that, see the indexer on the Session class.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetProductProperty

Gets an accessor for components in the current session. Gets an accessor for features in the current session. Checks to see if sufficient disk space is present for the current installation. True if there is sufficient disk space; false otherwise.

Win32 MSI API: MsiVerifyDiskSpace

Gets the total disk space per drive required for the installation. A list of InstallCost structures, specifying the cost for each drive

Win32 MSI API: MsiEnumComponentCosts

Gets the designated mode flag for the current install session. The type of mode to be checked. The value of the designated mode flag. the Session handle is invalid an invalid mode flag was specified

Note that only the following run modes are available to read from a deferred custom action:

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetMode

Sets the designated mode flag for the current install session. The type of mode to be set. The desired value of the mode. the Session handle is invalid an invalid mode flag was specified the mode cannot not be set

Win32 MSI API: MsiSetMode

Gets the full path to the designated folder on the source media or server image. the folder was not found in the Directory table the Session handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetSourcePath

Gets the full path to the designated folder on the installation target drive. the folder was not found in the Directory table the Session handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetTargetPath

Sets the full path to the designated folder on the installation target drive. the folder was not found in the Directory table the Session handle is invalid

Setting the target path of a directory changes the path specification for the directory in the in-memory Directory table. Also, the path specifications of all other path objects in the table that are either subordinate or equivalent to the changed path are updated to reflect the change. The properties for each affected path are also updated.

If an error occurs in this function, all updated paths and properties revert to their previous values. Therefore, it is safe to treat errors returned by this function as non-fatal.

Do not attempt to configure the target path if the components using those paths are already installed for the current user or for a different user. Check the ProductState property before setting the target path to determine if the product containing this component is installed.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSetTargetPath

Sets the install level for the current installation to a specified value and recalculates the Select and Installed states for all features in the Feature table. Also sets the Action state of each component in the Component table based on the new level. New install level the Session handle is invalid

The SetInstallLevel method sets the following: The installation level for the current installation to a specified value The Select and Installed states for all features in the Feature table The Action state of each component in the Component table, based on the new level If 0 or a negative number is passed in the ilnstallLevel parameter, the current installation level does not change, but all features are still updated based on the current installation level.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSetInstallLevel

Executes a built-in action, custom action, or user-interface wizard action. Name of the action to execute. Case-sensitive. the Session handle is invalid the user exited the installation

The DoAction method executes the action that corresponds to the name supplied. If the name is not recognized by the installer as a built-in action or as a custom action in the CustomAction table, the name is passed to the user-interface handler object, which can invoke a function or a dialog box. If a null action name is supplied, the installer uses the upper-case value of the ACTION property as the action to perform. If no property value is defined, the default action is performed, defined as "INSTALL".

Actions that update the system, such as the InstallFiles and WriteRegistryValues actions, cannot be run by calling MsiDoAction. The exception to this rule is if DoAction is called from a custom action that is scheduled in the InstallExecuteSequence table between the InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize actions. Actions that do not update the system, such as AppSearch or CostInitialize, can be called.

Win32 MSI API: MsiDoAction

Executes a built-in action, custom action, or user-interface wizard action. Name of the action to execute. Case-sensitive. Optional data to be passed to a deferred custom action. the Session handle is invalid the user exited the installation

The DoAction method executes the action that corresponds to the name supplied. If the name is not recognized by the installer as a built-in action or as a custom action in the CustomAction table, the name is passed to the user-interface handler object, which can invoke a function or a dialog box. If a null action name is supplied, the installer uses the upper-case value of the ACTION property as the action to perform. If no property value is defined, the default action is performed, defined as "INSTALL".

Actions that update the system, such as the InstallFiles and WriteRegistryValues actions, cannot be run by calling MsiDoAction. The exception to this rule is if DoAction is called from a custom action that is scheduled in the InstallExecuteSequence table between the InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize actions. Actions that do not update the system, such as AppSearch or CostInitialize, can be called.

If the called action is a deferred, rollback, or commit custom action, then the supplied will be available via the property of that custom action's session.

Win32 MSI API: MsiDoAction

Executes an action sequence described in the specified table. Name of the table containing the action sequence. the Session handle is invalid the user exited the installation

This method queries the specified table, ordering the actions by the numbers in the Sequence column. For each row retrieved, an action is executed, provided that any supplied condition expression does not evaluate to FALSE.

An action sequence containing any actions that update the system, such as the InstallFiles and WriteRegistryValues actions, cannot be run by calling DoActionSequence. The exception to this rule is if DoActionSequence is called from a custom action that is scheduled in the InstallExecuteSequence table between the InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize actions. Actions that do not update the system, such as AppSearch or CostInitialize, can be called.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSequence

Gets custom action data for the session that was supplied by the caller. Implements formatting for data. Type of format object to get. The the current instance, if is the same type as the current instance; otherwise, null. Closes the session handle. Also closes the active database handle, if it is open. After closing a handle, further method calls may throw an . If true, the method has been called directly or indirectly by a user's code, so managed and unmanaged resources will be disposed. If false, only unmanaged resources will be disposed. Gets the (short) list of properties that are available from non-immediate custom actions. Throws an exception if the custom action is not able to access immedate session details. Holds information about the target of a shortcut file. Gets the target product code of the shortcut, or null if not available. Gets the name of the target feature of the shortcut, or null if not available. Gets the target component code of the shortcut, or null if not available. Tests whether two shortcut targets have the same product code, feature, and/or component code. The first shortcut target to compare. The second shortcut target to compare. True if all parts of the targets are the same, else false. Tests whether two shortcut targets have the same product code, feature, and/or component code. The first shortcut target to compare. The second shortcut target to compare. True if any parts of the targets are different, else false. Tests whether two shortcut targets have the same product code, feature, and/or component code. The shortcut target to compare to the current object. True if is a shortcut target and all parts of the targets are the same, else false. Generates a hash code using all parts of the shortcut target. An integer suitable for hashing the shortcut target. A list of sources for an installed product or patch. Gets the list of disks registered for the media source of the patch or product installation. Gets the number of network and URL sources in the list. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the list is read-only. A SourceList is never read-only. read-only status of the list Adds a network or URL source to the source list of the installed product. Path to the source to be added. This parameter is expected to contain only the path without the filename.

If this method is called with a new source, the installer adds the source to the end of the source list.

If this method is called with a source already existing in the source list, it has no effect.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSourceListAddSource, MsiSourceListAddSourceEx

Adds or reorders a network or URL source for the product or patch. Path to the source to be added. This parameter is expected to contain only the path without the filename. Specifies the priority order in which the source will be inserted

If this method is called with a new source and is set to 0, the installer adds the source to the end of the source list.

If this method is called with a source already existing in the source list and is set to 0, the installer retains the source's existing index.

If the method is called with an existing source in the source list and is set to a non-zero value, the source is removed from its current location in the list and inserted at the position specified by Index, before any source that already exists at that position.

If the method is called with a new source and Index is set to a non-zero value, the source is inserted at the position specified by , before any source that already exists at that position. The index value for all sources in the list after the index specified by Index are updated to ensure unique index values and the pre-existing order is guaranteed to remain unchanged.

If is greater than the number of sources in the list, the source is placed at the end of the list with an index value one larger than any existing source.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListAddSourceEx

Clears sources of all types: network, url, and media.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListClearAll

Removes all network sources from the list. URL sources are not affected.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListClearAllEx

Removes all URL sources from the list. Network sources are not affected.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListClearAllEx

Checks if the specified source exists in the list. case-insensitive source to look for true if the source exists in the list, false otherwise Copies the network and URL sources from this list into an array. destination array to be filed offset into the destination array where copying begins Removes a network or URL source.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListClearSource

Enumerates the network and URL sources in the source list of the patch or product installation.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListEnumSources

Forces the installer to search the source list for a valid source the next time a source is required. For example, when the installer performs an installation or reinstallation, or when it requires the path for a component that is set to run from source.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSourceListForceResolution, MsiSourceListForceResolutionEx

Gets or sets the path relative to the root of the installation media. Gets or sets the prompt template that is used when prompting the user for installation media. Gets or sets the most recently used source location for the product. Gets or sets the name of the Windows Installer package or patch package on the source. Gets the type of the last-used source.

  • "n" = network location
  • "u" = URL location
  • "m" = media location
  • (empty string) = no last used source

Gets or sets source list information properties of a product or patch installation. The source list information property name. An unknown product, patch, or property was requested

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListGetInfo

A list of source media for an installed product or patch. Gets the number of source media in the list. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the list is read-only. A SourceMediaList is never read-only. read-only status of the list Adds or updates a disk of the media source for the product or patch.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListAddMediaDisk

Removes all source media from the list.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListClearAllEx

Checks if the specified media disk id exists in the list. disk id of the media to look for true if the media exists in the list, false otherwise Copies the source media info from this list into an array. destination array to be filed offset into the destination array where copying begins Removes a specified disk from the set of registered disks. ID of the disk to remove

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListClearMediaDisk

Enumerates the source media in the source list of the patch or product installation.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSourceListEnumMediaDisks

Provides access to summary information of a Windows Installer database. Gets a SummaryInfo object that can be used to examine, update, and add properties to the summary information stream of a package or transform. Path to the package (database) or transform True to reserve resources for writing summary information properties. the package does not exist or could not be read the package is an invalid format

The SummaryInfo object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiGetSummaryInformation

Gets or sets the Title summary information property.

The Title summary information property briefly describes the type of installer package. Phrases such as "Installation Database" or "Transform" or "Patch" may be used for this property.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the Subject summary information property.

The Subject summary information property conveys to a file browser the product that can be installed using the logic and data in this installer database. For example, the value of the summary property for Microsoft Office 97 would be "Microsoft Office 97 Professional". This value is typically set from the installer property ProductName.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the Author summary information property.

The Author summary information property conveys to a file browser the manufacturer of the installation database. This value is typically set from the installer property Manufacturer.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the Keywords summary information property.

The Keywords summary information property is used by file browsers to hold keywords that permit the database file to be found in a keyword search. The set of keywords typically includes "Installer" as well as product-specific keywords, and may be localized.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the Comments summary information property.

The Comments summary information property conveys the general purpose of the installer database. By convention, the value for this summary property is set to the following:

"This installer database contains the logic and data required to install <product name>."

where <product name> is the name of the product being installed. In general the value for this summary property only changes in the product name, nothing else.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the Template summary information property.

The Template summary information propery indicates the platform and language versions supported by the database.

The syntax of the Template Summary property information is: [platform property][,platform property][,...];[language id][,language id][,...]

For example, the following are all valid values for the Template Summary property: Intel;1033 Intel64;1033 ;1033 ; Intel ;1033,2046 Intel64;1033,2046 Intel;0

If this is a 64-bit Windows Installer, enter Intel64 in the Template summary information property. Note that an installation package cannot have both the Intel and Intel64 properties set.

If the current platform does not match one of the platforms specified then the installer will not process the package. Not specifying a platform implies that the package is platform-independent.

Entering 0 in the language ID field of the Template summary information property, or leaving this field empty, indicates that the package is language neutral.

There are variations of this property depending on whether it is in a source installer database or a transform.

Source Installer Database - Only one language can be specified in a source installer database. Merge Modules are the only packages that may have multiple languages. For more information, see Multiple Language Merge Modules.

Transform - In a transform file, only one language may be specified. The specified platform and language determine whether a transform can be applied to a particular database. The platform property and the language property can be left blank if no transform restriction relies on them to validate the transform.

This summary property is REQUIRED.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the LastSavedBy summary information property.

The installer sets the Last Saved By summary information property to the value of the LogonUser property during an administrative installation. The installer never uses this property and a user never needs to modify it. Developers of a database editing tool may use this property to track the last person to modify the database. This property should be left set to null in a final shipping database.

In a transform, this summary property contains the platform and language ID(s) that a database should have after it has been transformed. The property specifies to what the Template should be set in the new database.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the RevisionNumber summary information property.

The Revision Number summary information property contains the package code for the installer package. The package code is a unique identifier of the installer package.

The Revision Number summary information property of a patch package specifies the GUID patch code for the patch. This is followed by a list of patch code GUIDs for obsolete patches that are removed when this patch is applied. The patch codes are concatenated with no delimiters separating GUIDs in the list.

The Revision Number summary information property of a transform package lists the product code GUIDs and version of the new and original products and the upgrade code GUID. The list is separated with semicolons as follows.

Original-Product-Code Original-Product-Version ; New-Product Code New-Product-Version; Upgrade-Code

This summary property is REQUIRED.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the CreatingApp summary information property.

The CreatingApp summary information property conveys which application created the installer database. In general the value for this summary property is the name of the software used to author this database.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the LastPrintTime summary information property.

The LastPrintTime summary information property can be set to the date and time during an administrative installation to record when the administrative image was created. For non-administrative installations this property is the same as the CreateTime summary information property.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the CreateTime summary information property.

The CreateTime summary information property conveys when the installer database was created.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the LastSaveTime summary information property.

The LastSaveTime summary information property conveys when the last time the installer database was modified. Each time a user changes an installation the value for this summary property is updated to the current system time/date at the time the installer database was saved. Initially the value for this summary property is set to null to indicate that no changes have yet been made.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the CodePage summary information property.

The Codepage summary information property is the numeric value of the ANSI code page used for any strings that are stored in the summary information. Note that this is not the same code page for strings in the installation database. The Codepage summary information property is used to translate the strings in the summary information into Unicode when calling the Unicode API functions. The Codepage summary information property must be set before any string properties are set in the summary information.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the PageCount summary information property.

For an installation package, the PageCount summary information property contains the minimum installer version required. For Windows Installer version 1.0, this property must be set to the integer 100. For 64-bit Windows Installer Packages, this property must be set to the integer 200.

For a transform package, the PageCount summary information property contains minimum installer version required to process the transform. Set to the greater of the two PageCount summary information property values belonging to the databases used to generate the transform.

The PageCount summary information property is set to null in patch packages.

This summary property is REQUIRED.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the WordCount summary information property.

The WordCount summary information property indicates the type of source file image. If this property is not present, it defaults to 0. Note that this property is stored in place of the standard Count property.

This property is a bit field. New bits may be added in the future. At present the following bits are available: Bit 0: 0 = long file names, 1 = short file names Bit 1: 0 = source is uncompressed, 1 = source is compressed Bit 2: 0 = source is original media, 1 = source is administrative installation [MSI 4.0] Bit 3: 0 = elevated privileges can be required to install, 1 = elevated privileges are not required to install

These are combined to give the WordCount summary information property one of the following values indicating a type of source file image: 0 - Original source using long file names. Matches tree in Directory table. 1 - Original source using short file names. Matches tree in Directory table. 2 - Compressed source files using long file names. Matches cabinets and files in the Media table. 3 - Compressed source files using short file names. Matches cabinets and files in the Media table. 4 - Administrative image using long file names. Matches tree in Directory table. 5 - Administrative image using short file names. Matches tree in Directory table.

Note that if the package is marked as compressed (bit 1 is set), the installer only installs files located at the root of the source. In this case, even files marked as uncompressed in the File table must be located at the root to be installed. To specify a source image that has both a cabinet file (compressed files) and uncompressed files that match the tree in the Directory table, mark the package as uncompressed by leaving bit 1 unset (value=0) in the WordCount summary information property and set (value=16384) in the Attributes column of the File table for each file in the cabinet.

For a patch package, the WordCount summary information property specifies the patch engine that was used to create the patch files. The default value is 1 and indicates that MSPATCH was used to create the patch A value of "2" means that the patch is using smaller, optimized, files available only with Windows Installer version 1.2 or later. A patch with a WordCount of "2" fails immediately if used with a Windows Installer version earlier than 1.2. A patch with a WordCount of "3" fails immediately if used with a Windows Installer version earlier than 2.0.

This summary property is REQUIRED.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the CharacterCount summary information property.

The CharacterCount summary information property is only used in transforms. This part of the summary information stream is divided into two 16-bit words. The upper word contains the transform validation flags. The lower word contains the transform error condition flags.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Gets or sets the Security summary information property.

The Security summary information property conveys whether the package should be opened as read-only. The database editing tool should not modify a read-only enforced database and should issue a warning at attempts to modify a read-only recommended database. The following values of this property are applicable to Windows Installer files: 0 - no restriction 2 - read only recommended 4 - read only enforced

This property should be set to read-only recommended (2) for an installation database and to read-only enforced (4) for a transform or patch.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty, MsiSummaryInfoSetProperty

Formats and writes the previously stored properties into the standard summary information stream. The stream cannot be successfully written.

This method may only be called once after all the property values have been set. Properties may still be read after the stream is written.

Win32 MSI API: MsiSummaryInfoPersist

Contains information about all the tables in a Windows Installer database. Gets the number of tables in the database. Gets a boolean value indicating whether the collection is read-only. A TableCollection is read-only when the database is read-only. read-only status of the collection Gets information about a given table. case-sensitive name of the table information about the requested table, or null if the table does not exist in the database Adds a new table to the database. information about the table to be added a table with the same name already exists in the database Removes all tables (and all data) from the database. Checks if the database contains a table with the given name. case-sensitive name of the table to search for True if the table exists, false otherwise. Copies the table information from this collection into an array. destination array to be filed offset into the destination array where copying begins Removes a table from the database. case-sensitive name of the table to be removed true if the table was removed, false if the table did not exist Enumerates the tables in the database. Defines a table in an installation database. Creates a table definition. Name of the table. Columns in the table. The primary keys of the table. Gets the name of the table. Gets information about the columns in this table.

This property queries the database every time it is called, to ensure the returned values are up-to-date. For best performance, hold onto the returned collection if using it more than once.

Gets the names of the columns that are primary keys of the table. Gets an SQL CREATE string that can be used to create the table. Gets an SQL INSERT string that can be used insert a new record into the table.

The values are expressed as question-mark tokens, to be supplied by the record.

Gets an SQL SELECT string that can be used to select all columns of the table.

The columns are listed explicitly in the SELECT string, as opposed to using "SELECT *".

Gets a string representation of the table. The name of the table. Contains specific information about an error encountered by the , , or methods of the class. Gets the type of validation error encountered. Gets the column containing the error, or null if the error applies to the whole row. A View represents a result set obtained when processing a query using the method of a . Before any data can be transferred, the query must be executed using the method, passing to it all replaceable parameters designated within the SQL query string. Gets the Database on which this View was opened. Gets the SQL query string used to open this View. Gets the set of tables that were included in the SQL query for this View. Gets the set of columns that were included in the query for this View, or null if this view is not a SELECT query. the View is not in an active state the View handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewGetColumnInfo

Executes a SQL View query and supplies any required parameters. The query uses the question mark token to represent parameters as described in SQL Syntax. The values of these parameters are passed in as the corresponding fields of a parameter record. Optional Record that supplies the parameters. This Record contains values to replace the parameter tokens in the SQL query. the View could not be executed the View handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewExecute

Executes a SQL View query. the View could not be executed the View handle is invalid

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewExecute

Fetches the next sequential record from the view, or null if there are no more records. the View is not in an active state the View handle is invalid

The Record object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewFetch

Updates a fetched Record. specifies the modify mode the Record to modify the modification failed, or a validation was requested and the data did not pass the View handle is invalid

You can update or delete a record immediately after inserting, or seeking provided you have NOT modified the 0th field of the inserted or sought record.

To execute any SQL statement, a View must be created. However, a View that does not create a result set, such as CREATE TABLE, or INSERT INTO, cannot be used with any of the Modify methods to update tables though the view.

You cannot fetch a record containing binary data from one database and then use that record to insert the data into another database. To move binary data from one database to another, you should export the data to a file and then import it into the new database using a query and the . This ensures that each database has its own copy of the binary data.

Note that custom actions can only add, modify, or remove temporary rows, columns, or tables from a database. Custom actions cannot modify persistent data in a database, such as data that is a part of the database stored on disk.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Refreshes the data in a Record. the Record to be refreshed the refresh failed the View handle is invalid

The Record must have been obtained by calling . Fails with a deleted Record. Works only with read-write Records.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Inserts a Record into the view. the Record to be inserted the insertion failed the View handle is invalid

Fails if a row with the same primary keys exists. Fails with a read-only database. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Updates the View with new data from the Record. the new data the update failed the View handle is invalid

Only non-primary keys can be updated. The Record must have been obtained by calling . Fails with a deleted Record. Works only with read-write Records.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Updates or inserts a Record into the View. the Record to be assigned the assignment failed the View handle is invalid

Updates record if the primary keys match an existing row and inserts if they do not match. Fails with a read-only database. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Updates or deletes and inserts a Record into the View. the Record to be replaced the replacement failed the View handle is invalid

The Record must have been obtained by calling . Updates record if the primary keys are unchanged. Deletes old row and inserts new if primary keys have changed. Fails with a read-only database. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Deletes a Record from the View. the Record to be deleted the deletion failed the View handle is invalid

The Record must have been obtained by calling . Fails if the row has been deleted. Works only with read-write records. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Inserts a Record into the View. The inserted data is not persistent. the Record to be inserted the insertion failed the View handle is invalid

Fails if a row with the same primary key exists. Works only with read-write records. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Refreshes the information in the supplied record without changing the position in the result set and without affecting subsequent fetch operations. the Record to be filled with the result of the seek the seek failed the View handle is invalid

After seeking, the Record may then be used for subsequent Update, Delete, and Refresh operations. All primary key columns of the table must be in the query and the Record must have at least as many fields as the query. Seek cannot be used with multi-table queries. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Inserts or validates a record. the Record to be merged true if the record was inserted or validated, false if there is an existing record with the same primary keys that is not identical the merge failed (for a reason other than invalid data) the View handle is invalid

Works only with read-write records. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewModify

Validates a record, returning information about any errors. the Record to be validated null if the record was validated; if there is an existing record with the same primary keys that has conflicting data then error information is returned the validation failed (for a reason other than invalid data) the View handle is invalid

The Record must have been obtained by calling . Works with read-write and read-only records. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiViewModify, MsiViewGetError

Validates a new record, returning information about any errors. the Record to be validated null if the record was validated; if there is an existing record with the same primary keys then error information is returned the validation failed (for a reason other than invalid data) the View handle is invalid

Checks for duplicate keys. The Record must have been obtained by calling . Works with read-write and read-only records. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiViewModify, MsiViewGetError

Validates fields of a fetched or new record, returning information about any errors. Can validate one or more fields of an incomplete record. the Record to be validated null if the record was validated; if there is an existing record with the same primary keys that has conflicting data then error information is returned the validation failed (for a reason other than invalid data) the View handle is invalid

Works with read-write and read-only records. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiViewModify, MsiViewGetError

Validates a record that will be deleted later, returning information about any errors. the Record to be validated null if the record is safe to delete; if another row refers to the primary keys of this row then error information is returned the validation failed (for a reason other than invalid data) the View handle is invalid

Validation does not check for the existence of the primary keys of this row in properties or strings. Does not check if a column is a foreign key to multiple tables. Works with read-write and read-only records. This method cannot be used with a View containing joins.

See for more remarks.

Win32 MSI APIs: MsiViewModify, MsiViewGetError

Enumerates over the Records retrieved by the View. An enumerator of Record objects. The View was not d before attempting the enumeration.

Each Record object should be d after use. It is best that the handle be closed manually as soon as it is no longer needed, as leaving lots of unused handles open can degrade performance. However, note that it is not necessary to complete the enumeration just for the purpose of closing handles, because Records are fetched lazily on each step of the enumeration.

Win32 MSI API: MsiViewFetch

Distribution specific strings. News URL for the distribution. Short product name for the distribution. Support URL for the distribution. Telemetry URL format for the distribution. VS Extensions Landing page Url for the distribution.