OVC3860 BLK-MD-SPK-B XS3886 S3860M-s module setup:
use windows, or wine with symbolic link ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1 -> /dev/ttyUSBx
disable your HW COM1
set usb to serial dongle to be COM1
connect module to usb-serial dongle, BT module reset pin connected to GND
start datasheet/OVC3860_revd_config_tool.exe
disconnect reset pin on bluetooth module from ground, config tool should be connected now, pres read all
change value, then write changes with write all or selected
info about PSKey in datasheet/OVC3860_RevE_PSKeys_Setting_v1.2.pdf
baudrate: uart_baudrate
device name: localname
disable all sounds from BT module (poweron/off, connected etc.): set all tone_conf[x].cnt=00
breadboard adapters for these adapters can be purchase at tindie:
BLK-MD-SPK-B https://www.tindie.com/products/tomaskovacik/breadboard-adapter-for-blk-md-spk-b/
XS3886 / S3860M-s https://www.tindie.com/products/tomaskovacik/breadboard-adapter-for-s3860m-s-sx3868/
SOYO-BT24G03 https://www.tindie.com/products/tomaskovacik/breadboard-adapter-for-soyo-bt24g03-bt-module/
F-3188 https://www.tindie.com/products/tomaskovacik/breadboard-adapter-for-f-3188-csr8645-module/