RCEU1505 - 1541-Parallel_Adapter
This is an adapter to easier add a parallel port for the Commodore 1541 and 1541-II diskette drive. You can (and should) read more on Peter's site https://ist.uwaterloo.ca/~schepers/1541par.html
Item list.
- 15CM 10 wire flatcable.
- or 8 wire flatcable for ZoomFloppy.
- 15pin D-sub female(not the VGA type connector), either solder or for IDC ribbon cable (last one recommended).
- 40 pins IC socket.
- 2 x 20 pins sil header male-male. (turned/tulip recommended).
All items can be found on eBay or your favorite electronics pusher.
**Let the PCB be as thin as possible, otherwise you need thicker washers. Testet is a 0.8mm thick adapter. **
Washers are needed for the 1541-II drive to lift the mechanical parts. 1.6mm (2 x 0.8mm) height with an inner diameter of 4mm is just sufficient to lift the drive. It hasn't been physically testet on a 1541 drive, if you're intending to use this drive, let me know how it fits, so I can update this document.
Connecting the adapter to ZoomFloppy is described below, if you need to connect the drive to a C64, you should visit Peter's site for more help.
On 1541 shortboard the chip is UC3, and on the long board it's UAB1.
Adapter | 15pin D-sub female |
Pin 1 | Pin 1 |
Pin 2 | Pin 2 |
Pin 3 | Pin 3 |
Pin 4 | Pin 4 |
Pin 5 | Pin 5 |
Pin 6 | Pin 6 |
Pin 7 | Pin 7 |
Pin 8 | Pin 8 |
Soldering the cable for this is just the same pinout
15pin D-sub male | 15pin D-sub female |
Pin 1 | Pin 1 |
Pin 2 | Pin 2 |
Pin 3 | Pin 3 |
Pin 4 | Pin 4 |
Pin 5 | Pin 5 |
Pin 6 | Pin 6 |
Pin 7 | Pin 7 |
Pin 8 | Pin 8 |
If you choose to use the connector to press the IDC connector and don't want to use a 15 pin cable wasting 7 wires, you can hook it up like this.
Adapter | 15pin D-sub female (IDC) |
Pin 1 | Pin 1 |
Pin 2 | Pin 9 |
Pin 3 | Pin 2 |
Pin 4 | Pin 10 |
Pin 5 | Pin 3 |
Pin 6 | Pin 11 |
Pin 7 | Pin 4 |
Pin 8 | Pin 12 |
The cable should be soldered accordingly
15pin D-sub female | 15pin D-sub male |
Pin 1 | Pin 1 |
Pin 2 | Pin 9 |
Pin 3 | Pin 2 |
Pin 4 | Pin 10 |
Pin 5 | Pin 3 |
Pin 6 | Pin 11 |
Pin 7 | Pin 4 |
Pin 8 | Pin 12 |
Many thanks to Peter Schepers.